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  1. M

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Believe it or not. India and China war will start very soon. US and Japan joining it. Hope it didnt turn into WW3.
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    Are you less Pakistani if you do not speak Urdu or were raised primarily abroad

    If you care about your country fellow person and have a some sort of nationalism. is that enough to qualify ?
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    USCIRF: India denies visas to US panel on religious freedom

    Whites are killing Black in day light in US for vote bank politics. What panel we are talking about here?
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    What matters is next year. not this year. Worst is all the purchased equipment will not be installed due to Countries backing out. So 90% of above purchase will either be returned or will go straight to garbage.
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    India orders, 10,000 Excalibur Artillery guided shells along with 100 M777s and various other Manpad

    Game has not even begin, and you started to claim Victory. Media?
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    India orders, 10,000 Excalibur Artillery guided shells along with 100 M777s and various other Manpad

    Afghanistan war and Vietnam war , they had none of above.
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    China, Pakistan Aim to Jointly Corner India on LAC and LOC(Indian Media)

    Never trust Chinese. Pakistan should be self reliant. No one care about other in modern world. We had seen it with other countries. China is no exception. I would say few things. 1. China will never come to support Pakistan in war with India. 2. Pakistan in such a hope is giving free...
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    India orders, 10,000 Excalibur Artillery guided shells along with 100 M777s and various other Manpad

    This will never happen. Indian dont trust American. While Russian always stood by India. Critical defense like S400 can never be bought from American as they quickly become blackmail weapon sooner or later. So S400 is done deal and money are released, production had already started and delivery...
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    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    isnt world full of surprise? 1. How the Boris won UK election? 2. how Imran become PM ? 3. How Trump become PM ? 4. How Modi become PM ?
  10. M

    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    Is Indian Road construction still going on, that started this? if yes, then i guess, everyone has the answer to their question? if India abandon the road construction work ( didnt start event after one month), then i guess Chinese win as that was the intent to stop the India military...
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    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    This applies to all countries. Same goes for Pakistan as well. Pakistan vs Afghanistan & Iran. Forget about human being, this rule applied to animal as well. Strong get bullied by stronger and bullied the weaker. I guess this is the law of nature.
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    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    I respect your thoughts. But one small correction. Your definition of largest is based on present China and growth projection. that might not be the reality going forward. I doubt China will enjoy the same relative growth compared to other countries after this COVID even in a longer term...
  13. M

    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    Nationalism is good, but egoism is not. At this point China is running out of allies in World. Look at the rate Huawei is being ditched by entire world just because of one person POTUS. If this egoism will persist, China will see the fate of USSR very soon. History has lot of example to read...
  14. M

    Has the American establishment finally crossed the line with Pakistan ...

    There is a reason why USSR is no more, they think too positive of US like you. US care about each bits and pieces of China. 1. Questioning One China: Begin of USSR repetition: last HK violence was 100% CIA sponsored. 2. Covid pressure story against China is 100% US manufacturing. 3. Business...
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    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    I am not convinced this is at all related to south china sea. this is all about India decided to negotiate the deal with China on GB route with western back. Option2: which i fear most: if India want offensive western border, then best choice it to checkmate the LAC first to see checks and...
  16. M

    Anti-China ‘QUAD Alliance’ Between US, India, Australia & Japan Could Soon Be A Reality

    No one can invade a country which has 1. Maximum number of Allies in the world. 2. Had $100B business trade 3. Full of Nukes These are just the media TRP butter flakes. Quad wont materialize in a single day, but over next 10 years, there are chance it will become a strong group, as they have...
  17. M

    Indian MoD refrains media from speculative reporting on Laddakh

    I believe, game is bigger than the standoff. Game is all about GB & Kashmir. Lots of international players will join the table soon I hope ( Ladkah area wont become next Libya, Sryia if more countries join) . Its all about who will dictate the next business/manufacturing route to Europe and how...
  18. M

    Chinese intrusion in Galwan lasted for two weeks before it was cleared by Indian troops

    I believe, game is bigger than the standoff. Game is all about GB & Kashmir. Lots of international players will join the table soon I hope ( Ladkah area wont become next Libya, Sryia if more countries join) . Its all about who will dictate the next business/manufacturing route to Europe and how...
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    DG ISPR warns India of 'uncontrollable' consequences in case of military adventurism

    Please dont go by Indian politician statement, they are there for vote bank only and fully justified being a politician. Also the larger plan are just a wishlist. Converting them to realities is hard.
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    DG ISPR warns India of 'uncontrollable' consequences in case of military adventurism

    1. I think trump is willing to go one step further, if he smells upcoming election defeat. 2. China is most impacted by Covid compared to other countries e.g US 3. Moving troops from one place to another can deceit as well. I would not buy that argument as of now. Since India has large reserve...
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