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  1. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    welcome to the forum. it is nice to have new mm members.
  2. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    no. according to US intelligence sources we already have 11+ missiles. we have known this for more than a decade bro.
  3. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    it is old news bro
  4. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    Buddha Dhatu Jadi in balaghata town really looks like burmese temples with similar architecture.
  5. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    Any signs of 135m frigate ?
  6. Tagaung

    Israel and Myanmar sign agreement to allow each other to edit their portrayal in textbooks

    Israel earliest friend in Asia. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/israel-and-burma
  7. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    yes I do know that, what i mean is, even the most powerful military cannot defeat a insurgent force despite of how many insurgents they killed. Saying Myanmar military is pretty weak because it cannot defeat rebel forces is like saying US military is pretty weak because it cannot defeat...
  8. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    Are you an idiot? the most powerful military ( US military) can't even finish Taliban for 20 years with their high tech weapons. that is the nature of insurgency. please dont make any more idiotic comments like this.
  9. Tagaung

    Israel and Myanmar sign agreement to allow each other to edit their portrayal in textbooks

    LoL yes source: https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php
  10. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    probably from Indonesia or malaysia. he use to be active in indonesia defence forum.
  11. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    go to global firepower or wikipedia. https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-comparison-detail.asp?form=form&country1=thailand&country2=myanmar&Submit=COMPARE
  12. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    actually i have speak about this issue with one of the major in the army 2 years go. he said they use those baskets for transferring troops. (because it can carry more loadout than backpacks). For combat or patrol mission, they use army issue backpacks like picture below. did you notice they...
  13. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    it's only 7.57 million $, it wont change much. it is just a political gesture within our government.
  14. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    what did this Su-30 SME has to do with below article??
  15. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    To be honest, it saddens me. I hope the situation in Rhakine gets better. May I suggest fellow MM members, to be kind (or at least not insult) Rakhine people or other ethnic people. because it might cause hatred between our ethnic brothers and sisters. P.S: A lot of people from...
  16. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    i dont think showing the BMs wil do us any favor even if we have them. most cases, we might face economic sanction. right now, we dont have economic sanction from the west, only military sanction. still haven't change to Unicode bro? :laugh: font aside, i agree with you. we dont need...
  17. Tagaung

    Bangladesh Air Force

    According to journalist Bertil Lintner, this is the site for producing and researching Ballistic missile. Location: Near Pauk, Myanmar Coordinates: 21°29'39.2"N 94°21'48.1"E Photo: underground tunnel connecting two facilities.
  18. Tagaung

    Myanmar Defence Forum

    the thing about this is, we dont know whether it is true or not. we hear rumors here and there. if you want to see our secret military facility, go to google map satellite , search Pauk Myanmar, scroll left a little. coordinates (21.496487, 94.360256) there you will see a huge factory with...
  19. Tagaung

    Bangladesh Air Force

    that is why we started working on PT-6. I dont want to sidetracked the BAF discussion any more. So please DONT BASH US IN YOUR FORUMS . if you do, we will be responding and sidetracking your BAF discussion. we dont want to do that.
  20. Tagaung

    Bangladesh Air Force

    try to walk, before you run.
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