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  1. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    M Mr Stuart Little, never in any way did I say a Thunder can’t launch a missile . By capability means, ops. It’s self explanatory if you ask any pilot worthy of his salt.
  2. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Man, my intent was never to seek proof or earn a medal of patriotism. A decent discussion and an invitation to question the dogmas make the mare go! Someone saying , hey, you’re welcome with your opinions but we think what you are telling we don’t agree, would’ve sufficed. A little fun here to...
  3. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    For PAF guys, sometimes a decision from above becomes a necessity as was the case with ZDK procurement. Musharraf enforced it to have a backup for Erieye. Men in blue were so fixated on Erieye. Though Zulu AWACS are not as wonderful as Erieye they get the job done. Yanks went to war in...
  4. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    For some guys here, their attempts at patriotism suck much worse than their common sense. All they try is proving me that I m someone other than a Pakistani. Hilarious, in fact. Hey, even the way they swear surely sucks! They might be wondering: Hey this guy is definitely not Pakistani becoz he...
  5. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Always there are issues with a system despite how great its concept, design or production. We're working toward that. That's the good thing. May happen a day from now, you see. Without claiming any authority or exclusive insider info, I must say that defense watchers do it all the time...
  6. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Hi, sir Back here. For a while I get too busy as I'm working on a book project in addition to attending to routine, you know. Talking of Spada 2000, a number of air defense guys had recommended against it in their study while the process was underway. Regarding JFT, I never really...
  7. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Well, I showed patience to a certain level but enough of that. Listen all dipshits who are abusing me here, once and for all. I m a Pakistani, through snd through. Stating a different opinion or viewpoint is a normal behavior. Try to live with that unless I abuse you which you did and crossed...
  8. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Yours is a better style for discussion. Well, hasty patchwork has been done in KLJ v2, full results awaited. KLJ-AESA still a year away, or more. KLJ-7v1 no meaningful capability to support SD-10, though it constitutes bulk of our Thunder force. Eventually, it would come through, Insha...
  9. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Ok, guys. I'm finished and beseech your forgiveness, you mighty know-it-all lords! Plz, pardon me for pointing out something nobody wanted to hear. I wish you all the best with your ideals, dreams and egos. All the best with Thunders taking on the Flankers being guided by non-existing AESA...
  10. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Lolz. Anyone who's read the posts, both yours and mine, would clearly tell who is barking. Shame on you for failing to do discussions like civilized human beings.
  11. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    I'm amazed by the level of talent our folks possess here for self-delusion and declaring others impostors, traitors, agents etc, like everywhere else in our country. Salam to all of you. For info of all, even the Indians have carried out honest audits of their AA-12 Adder war stocks, AWACS...
  12. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Nobody says SD-10s are for show off. In and of itself, it's a potent weapon. Till the overall package is declared ops, every Thunder boy would be asking for a Viper flying shotgun! No shame in it, btw. As for any desperate situation arising tomorrow or sooner, Thunder pilots would pickle...
  13. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Carrying a missile and employing a weapon in ops role are slightly different. If you dust off your memory, PAF birds flew with Matra-530 rounds in 1970s. Folks must have been felt proud similarly when they stared gaga-eyed at those hotties from Masroor, Sargodha etc. Yet, for all practical...
  14. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Btw, PAF never claimed SD-10 is fully ops anyway. Who told you it is?
  15. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Ok, you first prove you are a Pakistani. You also prove solidly we've got an SD-10 capability.
  16. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Call it whatever you like. I wouldn't say anything more than I've already said. Let's go on wishing and praying it's a lie becoz if not, we are screwed!
  17. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    No SD-10 capability so far. Reasons I wouldn't comment for security implications. Yet Thunders tearing the skies with flying colors day and night since a full decade! As the gonzo talk goes here: Abhi tak hamarey hawabaaz sirf ghantay chaap rahay hain! When we brought Vipers Blk 52s to...
  18. CombatSurgeon

    Night of the dead Drone

    Calm down, gent. No need to be so full of yourself. It's the way things happened. AAA was not allowed either because we were not at war with India or the alert level was probably medium or own traffic was inbound i.e Mirages. Multiple locks-on occurred with radars, yes, but DLZs...
  19. CombatSurgeon

    Night of the dead Drone

    Hahaha! We should be grateful that somehow our guys bagged him. It was proximity detonation, not a DH. On a number of occasions there were failed intercepts after chaotic scrambles. On one such day in Jan 2002 during escalation, a drone was reported over Sukkur. By the time Mirages were...
  20. CombatSurgeon

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

    Hi. PL-10 and A-Darter have not been operationalized yet. Next stage would be whether we are offered. And I wouldn't comment here upon JF-17's BVR fiasco still plaguing the operational squadrons!
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