Insensitive to what? People that have majorly contributed to the miserable hellhole that the country has become? Whatever, how about you become sensitive to Pakistanis that were actually born in the country and have never ever gone against the state and serve it. Not some other people that are...
To be honest sending wheat to Afghanistan is not a crime. In fact it is a nice thing to do - but I understand the issues some people have with it. I'd be more concerned about the fact that he wants to legalise terrorists as citizens of the country.
Your first sentence says it all. You know it is most of them, if not all of them yet you claim that some of them may be good. Considering the harm they've done to the country why take the chance by doing something as validating them as Pakistanis? They consider our next door neighbour...
That's extreme nationalism to you? Goodness you need to get out more. I mean most of the posts on this thread have been reasonable considering the circumstances surrounding the Afghani refugees. That's genuine concern and something that should be heard.
Most terrorists, drugs and weapons are smuggled over from Afghanistan by these people and they have ruined many sections of the country. Simply because they can get away with it and they know it. Pakistanis like to appease them because they're muslims and hence will never punish them. It is a...
Instead of repeating this on this forum you should actually do something about it. The government doesn't give a damn at this point their priority is satisfying the ummah chummahs.
Sorry but they're superior. Especially the Arab countries. They're the cradle of Muslim civilisation and you...