You are talking to the person who wants minimum 3 squadrons of every type of plane for every arm of military. People put too much emphasis on the gun and forget that it's the bullet which kills. Experts argue that they would prefer a $100 gun with a $500 scope rather than a $500 gun with a $...
Yep far away from any threat or danger, what a pity world class fighter not being stationed near western border
Besides two planes won't be alone they will be accompanied by two Tata trucks :smitten:
Anything that floats or flies.............
On a serious note how stupid is it to fire a modern heat seeking missile with dual band seeker on a flare or use missile fooling flares as missile targets?
The whole purpose of dual band seeker is to make the missile fool proof so that it does not go...
If that was the case a lot of "Patriotic" Pakistanis like yourself would have broken the news here on PDF and boasted about how well connected and credible they are, and Indians love all such Patriotic Pakistanis, who wouldn't love a free agent?
Cash cow wasted 40 months fighting over cow dung :)
All on paper and internet bravado, in reality not even enough to buy 36 but some 1.3 billion people still live in denial
I don't have the full details of the requirements put forth by PA for this, but I would like us to go with Russian systems, they are simple, rugged, reliable, durable and dependable.
Do you know what does that mean?
Excess budget due to inflation means that (for example) last year Rs. 1000 budget (=US$10 at Rs. 100/US$) will now be Rs 1050 this year because now 1 US$=105 PKR, so essentially your budget has gone up by 50 rupees but your purchasing power has not.
Total costs go up with higher volumes and local production requires high initial investment in facilities, equipment, installation, training, licensing and probably royalties. costs can go down only if you are allowed to export independently (either not possible or with high royalty to...