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  1. sahaliyan

    Indonesian Government Officially Bans ISIS

    Good,hope Indonesians have a bright future
  2. sahaliyan

    China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

    Why did you creat this thread?We all know what you want the things developed in PDF,however failed
  3. sahaliyan

    China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

    I personaly also think beared people is nothing wrong,our ancestors also are beared anyway,I will not defend every act of Chinese government,some acts are wrong,it's actually the local government of Karamy did this,and I can understand why they did this,because the Taliban-type people are...
  4. sahaliyan

    China executed two South Korean drug traffickers

    I'm not a supporter of death penalty,but sell drug is a crime deserve death.
  5. sahaliyan

    China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

    We will be ally and have good relation with some muslim countries(Pakistan,Indonesia,Sudan and so on),and we will have just normal relation with other muslim countries,you think too much"Islamic world",in reality,the Islamic world doesn't exist,like it or not,the national states are still the...
  6. sahaliyan

    China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

    First,most Chinese aren't atheists,and Chinese government aren't communist anymore,we are just not that religious Second,believe in one-god religions(Judaism,Christianity and Islam) doesn't make you a good person or bad person,there are good people and bad people exist in every kind of people...
  7. sahaliyan

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    han crowd of three thousands You read too much crap,those are Uyghurs,not Hans,there aren't many Hans in Hotan
  8. sahaliyan

    Sikh, Pathan and Gurkha soldiers in the eyes of Winston S. Churchill

    Gurkha soldiers in reality are Magar,Limbu,Rai and other Mongoloid sodiers,they are not Indic people of Nepal
  9. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    But the thing is the anciet Uyghurs only built their kingdom in east Xinjiang,while the west Xinjiang was ruled by Qara Khanate,founded by Karluk people,the modern Uyghur culture is a product of the Qara Khanate,and most Uyghurs have nothing to do with anciet Uyghurs
  10. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    Most Uyghurs are natives of Xinjiang,they just adopted a Turkic language,especially those in Kashgar and Gotan.The original Turkic people are Mongoloid,don't look like modern Uyghurs. And in reality,the Uyghurs don't call themselves Uyghurs until 1930s,Uyghur is an old name for the Buddhist...
  11. sahaliyan

    Maulana 居马.塔依尔 of Imam for Etgal Mosque Killed by Terrorists

    居马.塔依尔大毛拉阿吉言论集 居玛·塔依尔大毛拉阿吉:《古兰经》上有这样的观点,贫穷使人变得脆弱,于是他就容易被别人所影响。 我去过内地很多地方,感觉到新疆现在的发展与内地还有很大距离。新疆落后于内地的一个原因是维吾尔族群众不太愿意念书,义务教育结束后就去挣钱,文化水平高的人不多。我去内地的城市,看到他们利用科学技术的情况要比新疆好得多,群众对知识的重视程度也比我们高得多。而我们从初中上高中的不到30%,从高中上大学的不到10%。 生活窘迫也是维吾尔族群众不愿意读书的原因之一:拿不起学费。所以这两个问题互相影响,越来越不好。...
  12. sahaliyan

    Maulana 居马.塔依尔 of Imam for Etgal Mosque Killed by Terrorists

    《向近十年在新疆反恐战线上牺牲的英雄们致敬!》—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 Matyrs died for fight the terrorism Last year,another Imam killed by the terrorists 吐鲁番主管民族宗教事务的联合工作部门干部阿里木. 阿不力米提 (Alim Ablimit) 当时对自由亚洲电台表示,74岁的阿布都热依木. 大毛拉是一名支持中共党政的高级宗教人员,他被袭击是因为坚持打击三种势力。...
  13. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    喀什艾提尕尔清真寺大毛拉被杀身亡(图)_凤凰资讯 原标题:喀什市爱国宗教人士被害案告破 天山网讯(记者田山报道)经警方全力侦查,喀什市艾提尕尔清真寺伊玛目居玛•塔伊尔大毛拉被害案告破。 现查明,图尔贡•吐尔逊、麦麦提江•热木提拉、努尔买买提•阿比迪力米提3名暴徒受宗教极端思想影响,预谋通过“干大事”提高影响力,7月30日6时58分,在居玛•塔伊尔大毛拉主持完晨礼后,将其残忍杀害。 案件发生后,公安机关迅速锁定目标,实施抓捕。30日中午,3名暴徒持刀斧砍杀公安民警拒捕,民警果断处置,击毙2人,抓获1人。 案件正在进一步调查中。、 Rest in peace,Imam Jume...
  14. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

  15. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    解决新疆问题,我认为以下步骤是必须的: 1,继续推广双语教育,逐步废除过时的民考民体制,让所有维族人均精通汉语,这样让他们能在主流社会立足,有个谋生手段 2,培植南疆世俗文化,何谓世俗?追星,泡吧,时尚,这些细微就是世俗,要推广这样的现代文化,不能让青年人沉迷宗教 3,不管情况多么复杂,还是要多把南疆富余劳动力往内地输出,在内地生活为认同内地文化的最佳途径,多见识内地的灯红酒绿,世俗文化,以消弭保守宗教的群众基础 4,把内地劳动密集型产业转移到南疆,以解决南疆就业难问题。青年人本来就荷尔蒙过剩,更不能无所事事
  16. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    新疆清真寺两万多座,按人口比例不仅超过中亚,也超过埃及伊朗等伊斯兰国家,有的一个村就有几个清真寺,密度太高,现在西方媒体却在鼓吹中国限制宗教自由 维族日渐保守化,妇女戴面纱比例逐年升高,官办的阿訇水平太低,吸引不了群众。为什么沙特的瓦哈比传播那么快,你要知道沙特宗教宣传是沙特的官方教义学家,在美国的宗教学家和宗教心理学家的帮助下编写出来的,代表了美国宗教理论界和心理学界的最高水平,所以体系严密,很快占领了南疆,成为主流信仰。...
  17. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    另一点值得注意,巴基斯坦第一大民族和巴基斯坦军队里面主要是旁遮普族,旁遮普族和印度的锡克其实是一个民族,只不过信仰的宗教不同而已。而巴基斯坦塔利班运动的主要组成民族却是普什图(帕坦)人,和阿富汗的主体民族是一个民族,那里是英国人和阿富汗签订不平等条约划“杜兰尼线“变成英属印度一部分,巴基斯坦独立以后变成巴基斯坦一部分 这里面其实有民族矛盾的因素,宗教很多时候只是民族矛盾的工具而已 在上世纪90年代,巴基斯坦曾经扶植塔利班,但是谁知道变成怪胎,巴基斯坦自己也付出了代价,前不久卡拉奇机场遇袭就是标志之一
  18. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    The Taliban founded later,however they are the same people supported by Pakistan/China/US in the 1980s
  19. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    巴基斯坦政府对部落区控制力不足,部落区都是普什图人,和阿富汗主体民族是一个 塔利班对巴基斯坦安全威胁严重
  20. sahaliyan

    terror attack in xingjing 07.28

    Many terrorists hide in Afghanistan-Pakistan border,this is Pathan tribal area,the Pakistani government and army can't fully control this area,and Taliban has large influence there I think Pakistani government and military should establish law and rule in tribal area,kick all the foreigner...
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