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  1. sahaliyan

    Capital of China

    Or maybe we can have more than one capitals,just like south Africa?For example,I want we set up one capital in Xinjiang(such as Urumqi),you know one city becomes the capital,the city can be developed,the people will move in.And have a capital in southwest city,such as Chongqing?
  2. sahaliyan

    Capital of China

    In the history,the capital of China always located in north China,only dynasties like southern dynasties, southern song etc located in southern China,and they are weak
  3. sahaliyan

    AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) news

    Finally,Kyrghizstan is in
  4. sahaliyan

    Zeng qinghong under investigation now?

    I think though Liu Zhijun is not clean,but he is better than most Chinese officials.In reality,I don't care the officials clean or not,what I care is can they do their jobs well
  5. sahaliyan

    AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) news

    From the Chinese minister of finance website 中方欢迎埃及申请作为意向创始成员国加入亚投行 中方欢迎埃及申请作为意向创始成员国加入亚投行 2015年3月30日 来源:国际财金合作司   3月30日,埃及正式宣布申请作为意向创始成员国加入亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行),并向中方提交了书面确认函。中方欢迎埃方的决定。作为亚投行意向创始成员国首席谈判代表会议的主席,中方正根据多边程序征求现有意向创始成员国的意见。如顺利通过,埃及将于4月14日正式成为亚投行意向创始成员国。
  6. sahaliyan

    Afghan-Baloch Wars

    The leading tribe of Baloch people were Brahuis?
  7. sahaliyan

    Zeng qinghong under investigation now?

    滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。一壶浊酒喜相逢,古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 中国人没有宗教,中国人的信仰是“历史”,即使地位再高的人也在乎身后评,三年人祸时期,刘少奇对毛说饿死人要上历史书的,引起毛的恐惧,后来他的种种作为多少有点要掩盖那段历史的意思。但是在永恒的历史面前,他的力量是如此渺小,最终他失败了。只要人们敬畏历史,做事就会有底线,因为领袖做的事情,在未来都会被史学家记录下去,也会成为贩夫走卒茶余饭后的投资...
  8. sahaliyan

    [Chinese] On Shambaugh's collapsism and relationship with 江泽民, 曾庆红

    石油储量据我所知,每次探测都是增加的 关于该问题,我问了相关人士,答复如下 從邏輯上來看,石油應該是會越用越少才對,石油的可開採年限怎麼會變多呢?依據前述BP公司所計算的數據,我們知道,在1984年,當時估計全球石油的可開採年限,是36.2年。過了24年,現在估計全球石油的可開採年限卻是42年!反而多了將近 6年!怎麼會這樣?為什麼世界上的石油越開採越多?首先,我們要了解,全球的石油可開採年限,也就是全球石油已證實蘊藏量和年生產量的比值(R/P...
  9. sahaliyan

    [Chinese] On Shambaugh's collapsism and relationship with 江泽民, 曾庆红

    You can see China's rise is a reality now,everyone can see this
  10. sahaliyan

    [Chinese] On Shambaugh's collapsism and relationship with 江泽民, 曾庆红

    Not western capitalism,rather how far the human being can go,I believe in human being,and I think they have a bright future,maybe 100 years later,many people don't live in earth,who knows?
  11. sahaliyan

    [Chinese] On Shambaugh's collapsism and relationship with 江泽民, 曾庆红

  12. sahaliyan

    [Chinese] On Shambaugh's collapsism and relationship with 江泽民, 曾庆红

    Mao's flag?Hahaha,China is market economy,like it or not,Mao failed. 人都是自私的,所以只有资本主义才符合人性。经济才会发展,社会才会正常。否则就是大家都会贫困 Mao's great leap forward,cultural revolution will always remembered as his crimes While Deng brought back market,and made China 2nd largest economy in the world today,all of you...
  13. sahaliyan

    Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (Kokang rebel forces)

    The Bamar language belong to Lolo-Burmese branch of Tibeto-Burman language.But I think in culture,the Burmese culture is more similar to Tai/Shan/Lao and Mon/Khmer cultures,they are both theravada Buddhist,their culture is clearly indian influenced
  14. sahaliyan

    Venezuela to get $10 billion loan from China :)

    Cuba is smaller,and Cuba can survive because Chavez gave them cheap oil,and let the Cuban doctors served in Venezuela to ear the money gave Cuban government. Chavez's utopia can't survive in real world,capitalism is the only way can survive in the long run
  15. sahaliyan

    Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (Kokang rebel forces)

    The Burmese King handed the Emperor Yongli to Qing general Wu Sangui,Wu govered Yunnan that time,and he led his army into the Burmese capital Ava.Wu Sangui was a Han Chinese from Liaoning,who was the general of Shanhai pass before the Manchu conquest.Later Wu opened the gate to Manchus and...
  16. sahaliyan

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    I agree,most likely mortar bomb,if it's true,then who did this?
  17. sahaliyan

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    看本次轰炸的弹坑,不像航空炸弹。航弹威力不会这么小,倒是很像迫击炮弹,颇为蹊跷 【直击缅军机炸弹落入的村庄:弹片穿透两层铁皮】记者获准进入缅甸军机炸弹落入的云南临沧水桑树村。造成村民伤亡的爆炸点,刚捆好甘蔗还没有运出,距弹坑不到五米一块石头上有血迹,另一爆炸点,一辆农用拖拉机挡风玻璃被震碎,车后两层铁皮被弹片击穿。ps:看弹坑威力,不像是航空炸弹。
  18. sahaliyan

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

  19. sahaliyan

    Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

    本次出事的大水桑树村紧挨着边境,缅甸空军稍微转个弯就越境了。 据说这次缅甸空袭已经事先通报了中方,包括起飞机型、行动路线和时间,所以中方也没派空军跟踪。 如果这些属实,那我觉得真是缅甸空军的问题,毕竟飞机老旧、飞行员素质不高,稍微出点错就是这样。 缅甸空军大多数都是中国飞机,歼7强五之类老旧机型,空军体系基本中国建立,中国空军再不济,缅甸空军对中国不堪一击
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