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  1. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Demek ben varolamayacak kadar kişiliksiz bir insanım. Dürtülerine yenik düşen korkağın tekiyim. Siz bırakın benimle vakit kaybetmeyi o halde. Kendi işinize bakın. Ben kendi işime bakarım. Ben böyle ad hominem tartışamıyorum çünkü. Fazla korkağım herhalde böyle karşılıklı kişilik saldırıları için.
  2. L

    Is the US arming a terrorist organisation?

    Contrary to your post modernist adage, there is a clear definition of terrorist and terrorism in the international law. If you want to inform yourself regarding the issue, please read the necessary laws. One man's "thief" may be another man's "Robin Hood". I will see you when someone steals...
  3. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    2015'te Rus uçağını düşürmüştük hatırlarsan Suriye'de. O zaman ihanet bu demiştim. Rusya ile bu şekilde karşı karşıya gelinmez demiştim. Ne vatan hainliğim kalmıştı, ne "kanımın s*kilmediği". Dedim taş kafalara bir şey anlatılmaz. Zaten anlatmanın bir hükmü de yok. Deli danalar gibi bir şeylere...
  4. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    He doesn't even read or try to understand what you are saying. He is just arrogantly saying the same thing over and over again or childishly distorts your arguments and replies to it's distorted version. Really a huge waste of time to reply a person that doesn't even wants to discuss with you in...
  5. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Federation_of_Northern_Syria The map clearly shows that Afrin is part of the political entity that PYD is forming and USA is supporting. This is not different than supporting Hebzollah in Lebanon and not supporting Hezbollah in Syria. The organization...
  6. L

    Don’t abandon the brave Kurds to the ‘mercies’ of Turkey’s tyrant

    The author that wrote this Ralph Peters also wrote this. https://nypost.com/2017/09/04/we-need-to-destroy-north-korea-before-its-too-late/ "Better a million dead North Koreans than a thousand dead Americans." or this...
  7. L

    Germany: Kurds and Turks hash it out inside Airport

    Mind your own country about free protest. Mind your own country when it blocks half of the internet. Mind your own country's actions in South Chine Sea regarding "land grab". Mind your own country's actions against East Turkestan "freedom fighters". Mind your own country's actions against...
  8. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Dediğin bir noktaya kadar doğru. Liderin, özellikle de karizmatik liderin toplumlar nezdinde dönüştürücü etkileri vardır. Ama bu dönüştürücü etkinin boyutunu çok büyütmemek gerekli. Bu tip hipotezleri test etmek için genellikle bir uç noktaya çekersin. Karizmatik liderin toplumsal etkisini test...
  9. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Kesinlikle öyle. Yukarıda, bir önceki mesajımda anlatmaya çalıştığım gibi. Olaya milliyetçi bir perspektifle bakan birisi için İsrail'le ve Yahudi diasporasıyla ilişkilerimizi zedelemek kadar saçma bir hamle olamaz. Çünkü tarihsel perspektifi olan iyi ilişkiler var, adamlar hem ABD'de, hem de...
  10. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Sokakta Kürtlerin yaptığı hiç bir şey değil. Senelerdir masa başında Ermeni, Yunan ve son dönemlerde maalesef onlara eklenen Yahudi lobilerinin Türk diasporasına karşı faaliyet yürüttükleri faaliyetler çok daha sinir bozucu. Eğitimli Türkler Avrupa'da özellikle kamuda ama kısmen özel sektörde de...
  11. L

    ÜIke Yönetimi

    Bu konularda bu kadar iddialı ve keskin yorumlar yapmamak lazım. Hele "milli birlik ve beraberliğimiz bozulmasın" dediğimiz günlerde, ciddi anlamda kutuplaştırıcı bir tartışma olacak olan "Türkçülük bölücülüktür" gibi bir tartışmayı hiç yapmamak lazım. Erdoğanın ideolojisi Türk milliyetçiliği...
  12. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    I guess you need to show some more effort to understand the message that I've written to you :) Your reply makes it obvious that you didn't even understand what I said. Discussing people on the internet has this downside. You spare some time and you write something in the hope that you will...
  13. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    Do you really want to go into that? Really? Who defined Afrin as a seperate canton? Assad? Last I checked, Afrin was part of the Aleppo Governorate in Syrian Arab Republic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleppo_Governorate How it became an autonomous region suddenly? Who defined it like that...
  14. L

    Turkey shells Syria's Afrin region, minister says operation has begun

    Friend, I see the number underestimates the Kurdish power. They destroyed 54738 tanks with one rocket. I saw with my own eyes. They also killed 389498 Turkish soldiers and "mercenaries". Meanwhile Turkey killed 0 militant, gained 0 territory and only killed 348998498 civilian Kurds.
  15. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    There is no separate organization called as "Afrin Kurds". All of them are governed by the same organization and part of the same political entity which is PYD. When one says I support Hezbollah in Syria but I don't support Hezbollah in Lebanon, does that make sense for Israeli state? Would...
  16. L

    US managed to betray both Turks and Kurds

    I bet you classify East Turkestan Movement as a terrorist organization. It would take a special type of hypocrisy to define East Turkestan Movement as a terrorist organization and PKK and any of their offshoots as not. Dude, we have proven ourselves many times that this is not about Kurds. It...
  17. L

    "We don't support them, we have nothing to do with them" Pentagon Spokesperson on Kurdish YPG forces

    US Diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski. 1979 in Afghanistan. Saying "God is on your side" to Taliban fighters. Osama Bin Laden was among the figureheads of Taliban back then. Of course USA will deny any involvement with Taliban today.
  18. L

    US managed to betray both Turks and Kurds

    I make the definition of terrorist very objectively and my definition doesn't require any post modernism shenanigans, like "your terrorist is a freedom fighter for somebody else". Only states who have a standing seat in the UN has the legitimate use of an armed organization. Other than those...
  19. L

    US managed to betray both Turks and Kurds

    Interestingly, both the SJW's and the Conservatives in the USA managed to like these SDF people. They market themselves very good, and they are very useful idiots. Does the article says 200 IQ US foreign policy is one of the most important factors that unfolded the events that led to creation...
  20. L

    US managed to betray both Turks and Kurds

    SDF is just rebrand of PKK. It is perfectly valid for Turkey to classify SDF as a terrorist organization. The terrorist label on you doesn't fade away when you "rename" yourself and stop attacking Turkey with your newly branded organization...
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