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  1. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Imran Khan Sahab ka bahut bara fan hoon. He is far above and beyond my miniscule friendship. Who am I to offer him my friendship?
  2. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Oye Retired Troll, dosti kar lete hain. Kya bolte ho? Stop fighting.
  3. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Sir,if I may enquire who are we Indians to decide whether the Pakistani is equal to us or not? A few years ago, we were the same breed. What has gone so wrong in Pakistan that this equality is being questioned? Imran Khan was our beloved hero a few years ago, so he remains - I wish him well...
  4. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    This is BLOODY Disgusting and I hang my head in shame. Please stop making a fool out of yourself. The entire forum is watching and laughing at you.
  5. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Your reflections are unfortunate. I mistook you for a person of depth, knowledge and intelligence. My mistake and my apologies. You are one of the minority. You want Aman delivered to you at the the pedestal of your religion. I feel sorry for you and I regret having replied to your comments...
  6. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Oh Bloody Hell! You seem to be the archetypal Hate Monger from the other side. Sir, I am educated, a Hindu by religion, one who respects Islam and respects Pakistan. Oye yaar, I am not into politics. Aap ko kya problem hai mere se?
  7. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    If you knew how old I am, you would have realised that I have retired a long time ago. I can still hope for peace, can't I? Why are you talking about assholes here?
  8. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Many old time and resolute Brahmins are Nazis. I agree. That is why I used inverted commas in my introduction - in case you did not notice. No Hindu Brahmin respects or recites the Islamic Azaan. I do, proudly.
  9. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    I admire your hollow duplicity and use of rhetoric too.
  10. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    I like that! Respect! Then we are the same. Stop fighting!
  11. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    All that I can say is that you Sir are a political historian and that I am a dreamer who is dreaming of a peaceful / better future. You are raking up the past, I am focussing on the future. I am happy and you are frustrated.
  12. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    I would request all members not to include the names of politicians or the annals of their deeds in this thread. This is NOT a political thread.
  13. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    The Mughals arrived here in 1526. There was no Hindustan or India existent at that time.
  14. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Sir, the East India Company arrived here in 1757. The British Empire took over in 1858. What about the hundreds of years before that? Who or what ideology / doctrine held us together in unity? What was that binding force? Excuse me Sir? I am a Hindu and a so called 'Brahmin' by birth. Is there...
  15. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    This is a tear jerker. Don't watch it if you are soft hearted. I wept. This Believe and it shall happen. If you don't want to believe, please ignore and stop commenting on my threads and posts. Thank you Sir. Thankfully Thunderdome, you do not represent the majority of Pakistan with your...
  16. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Wouldn't it be nice if the media on both sides posted more of these videos? I feel this is the need of the hour. Posted in Aug 2018. 205 likes against only 4 dislikes - we are definitely getting somewhere!
  17. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Aman Shanti

    Aman - Om Shanti I hope I will be forgiven if I come across romantic / idealistic or if I come across as a verbose dreamer in this post. Whatever you construe, I am about to write down something that I have felt very strongly about for a long time. It is an honour for me to be able to post...
  18. Sekhon Rafiqui

    missing indians on pakistan defense

    Very well said.
  19. Sekhon Rafiqui

    missing indians on pakistan defense

    Not all media houses in India are hell bent on distorting facts. Came across this video on FB and was quite surprised to see that there is no political jingoism attached and they have stuck to facts. They have. however, erred in depicting a wrong aircraft being shot down and the violence meted...
  20. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    The hallmark of a true warrior. Salute!
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