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  1. posedion

    Growing Pak-China Strategic Ties upset USA

    By coping somebody the duplicate will never be the original.... The original just goes to next best.... Without any envy I would have said this in 1971 when US sent its carrier to threaten us that they are the best when it comes to innovation and technology The change in this scenario can only...
  2. posedion

    Growing Pak-China Strategic Ties upset USA

    yes yes keep believing that to make things they did in 1960 even today China is struggling Example jet Engines and list is long and long
  3. posedion

    Growing Pak-China Strategic Ties upset USA

    Hope your GHQ does not think like this In this relation who are going to lose more America or Pakistan, who in world in his sense will think not having improving relation with US is ok Even Ayatollahs wants better relation with America And China also works for positive diplomacy with US...
  4. posedion

    Pakistan's new nuke threat: Why India has to worry

    First of all India Pak destiny has many chapters left and It will be a prosperous one not these doomsday shit talk
  5. posedion

    Army major injured in Afghan firing dies

    RIP Soldier
  6. posedion

    China to build mega oil pipeline from Gwadar to Kashgar

    Sir, the figure you are quoting will make the project a financial nightmare to China and hope for pakistan sake it does not turn out to be true if they get 5 dollar a barrel a crude at the offloading point in mainland china, the cost of getting crude to Gawadar is itself a cost if china is...
  7. posedion

    China to build mega oil pipeline from Gwadar to Kashgar

    Can you do the maths and post as its very simple or is it too obvious Yes Thats true and as you said totally dependent on the Political Class Honesty
  8. posedion

    China to build mega oil pipeline from Gwadar to Kashgar

    Quote facts to disprove dont go calling names, by the way a Economically prosperous pakistan is in the best interest of the world Including India, Democratic institutions in pakistan will be strengthened once they can show economic progress My friend All I asked is How much does this help...
  9. posedion

    China to build mega oil pipeline from Gwadar to Kashgar

    As we know the Global Oil transit, transport cost is estimated to be around 8 dollar /barrel in the existing route lets say china by building this pipeline saves 50 % I would doubt that That brings it to 4 dollars if a one dollar/ barrel is spent on pipeline maintenance so the nett saving...
  10. posedion

    Hitler's secret Indian army

    If SubashJi would have lead the Subcontinent there would never have been partition and deep religious hate and we as a subcontinent would have been a major power in globe by now
  11. posedion

    3 Reasons Why Pak's Growing Nuclear Arsenal Is Not Giving India Sleepless Nights

    Building a Asia that will prosper must be based on mutual trust and confidence and as the bigger powers in the region India China should move towards common goals rather than move against one another the rest that are in picture will fall in line automatically, the atom nonsense will take care...
  12. posedion

    Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

    Can't you people sit across the table and solve this what is issue all about is it a disputed territory both are claiming
  13. posedion

    Saudi Arabia Has a Plan B to Try to Stop Iran’s Economic Rise

    Wahhabi Influence and power is on terminal decline
  14. posedion

    Ex CIA officer on IAF strike on NLI's Munto Dhalo Depot.

    for a Nation to come to Nuclear threshold it has to come to liquidation stage in India Pakistan scenario not possible, but if a superpower like US is the aggressor even Nukes wont save the inevitable collaspe
  15. posedion

    Indian Army now confirms Hizbul Mujahideen militant Tariq Pandit held

    I think Army nabbed him not surrender as being portrayed
  16. posedion

    Ex CIA officer on IAF strike on NLI's Munto Dhalo Depot.

    Sir you have just expressed the dark truth The Same five star people will tell a nation that they will wage a Nuclear war or the Nasr bullshit, they very well know the consequences......................
  17. posedion

    Chabahar deal 'not finished'; Pakistan, China welcome: Iran

    Give a try of blocking access 70 or 50 miles than you will know the point of signing logistics arrangements with US The poker game has just began and with US Iran and Afghanistan we have all the cards
  18. posedion

    China's dream of a new Silk Road runs into hurdles at its first stop: Pakistan

    we are big country and know how to manage dry wet and shiny years we dont go with a begging bowl now and than
  19. posedion

    China's dream of a new Silk Road runs into hurdles at its first stop: Pakistan

    Oh Nawaz and Similar will get more nah tuja kuch milaga Nah Mujaa
  20. posedion

    China's dream of a new Silk Road runs into hurdles at its first stop: Pakistan

    We are not the one screaming Nasr nasr NASR and getting droned in a "Show of Shame"
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