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  1. G

    U.S. agrees over troop withdrawal in Afghanistan says Taliban

    If US withdraw, probably Taliban will take Kabul in less than a month
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    Don't Play with Fire Afghans

    US occupation will become history by 2021...what's next....
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    The Taliban is killing fewer civilians but a worrying new trend is emerging

    Can anybody say how many civilians died in Afghanistan since 2001?
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    US troops ‘saved’ Daesh terrorists, leaders form Taliban siege in east Afghanistan

    ISIS showed itself as a capable fighting force in the Middle East....now they are in Afghanistan and with 6000 fighters, probably they will attack weak Central Asian states when US withdraw from Afghanistan.
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    Iran-US escalation thread.

    Iran should follow the path of North Korea and develop nuclear weapons + means of delivering them. Only in this case Iran will feel secure and US will not be able to threaten Iran. Also, nuclear armed Iran dominating the hyper important Straight of Hormuz will force USA to start polite talks...
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    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Minus 180mln $ for USA.....next time think twice before violating Iranian airspace
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    Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

    Previously there were reports that Iran started to arm its speedboats with anti-ship missiles and was preparing to attack US forces in the Persian Gulf.....So if US responds to these tanker attacks, Iranian Navy is already ready to attack and sink US Navy vessels in the Gulf
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    Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

    Nuclear Agreement with Iran was achieved after years of complex and stressful negotiations....Silly Trump destroyed that agreement and now it is time for him to reap the consequences
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    Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

    Read the article--one of the tankers has sunk I think it was Ghadir submarine with torpedo First we have attacks on tankers in May, then this advanced cruise missile strike on Saudi Arabia and now torpedo hits two oil tankers just as Japan's Abe came to talk with Iran It time to teach that...
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    Breaking: UAE Oil Tanker attacked in Gulf of Oman

    Two oil tankers were hit in a suspected attack in the Gulf of Oman early on Thursday, causing oil prices to surge and raising the already heightened tensions in the Middle East. The tankers were struck in the same area where the US accused Iran of using naval mines to sabotage four other oil...
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