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  1. G

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    This is an article by US think tank Stratfor. Geopolitics of Iran: Holding the Center of a mountainous fortress https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/geopolitics-iran-holding-center-mountain-fortress Quote: " " But there is a deeper geographic problem. Iran has a huge population mostly located...
  2. G

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    LOL---these destroyers were being built for many years before construction was finished simultaneously in the last year and these ships were delivered to the Navy at the same time. LOL---when you have 1,5 billion people living on 1 dollar a day---this is already a substantial economy--and now...
  3. G

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Israel will use F-35 so Bavar 373 will be useless
  4. G

    Effectiveness of Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile

    Khalije Fars missile will leave no chance of survival to defenseless oil tankers in the Persian Gulf in the event of war. Most oil tankers in the Gulf will be destroyed by this missile within 5 minutes. This missile can attack US Naval vessels and overwhelm their missile defense system by...
  5. G

    Iranian navy future frigate, mowj 6

    When will they build it?
  6. G

    Effectiveness of Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile

    An Article in Russian "Iran's anti-ship missile - an underestimated threat" https://invoen.ru/vvt/protivokorabelnaya-raketa-irana/ Some points: .....Navies of the NATO countries, who considered themselves a dominant force in the global ocean, are increasingly feeling their own vulnerability...
  7. G

    Effectiveness of Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile

    It's been 8 years since Khalije Fars anti-ship ballistic missile was unveiled by Iran. Israeli expert Uzi Rubin described the missile as a game changer if used against US carriers in the Strait of Hormuz. Your opinion....is it a real game changer....how effective this missile can be against...
  8. G

    Economy, Yaraneh and Iranian protests

    I'm sure you can write 2000 pages about ancient warlord like Cyrus the Great. But your disrespectful posts about Islam- a religion of 1,5 bln people --religion that was voluntarily accepted by Iranians only shows your lack of spirituality. LOL. Unlike modern USA, Britain is no longer an...
  9. G

    Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

    There are countries in the world that will experience devastating consequences if they become liberal democracies. One example is Russia and another example is Iran. Russia is a vast country with poor transportation system and as a consequence--- many regions are not linked with each other and...
  10. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    Leaked cables reveal scale of Iran's influence in Iraq https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/18/leaked-cables-reveal-scale-of-irans-influence-in-iraq
  11. G

    Iran's demography problem

    LOL. First take over your own country and excessively high birth rates, otherwise instability will be so permanent in Iraq that you will be unable to take over anything.
  12. G

    Iran's demography problem

    What a genius comment ---must have an IQ of 300. First try to feed your impoverished population before dreaming of 90mln+ population.
  13. G

    Economy, Yaraneh and Iranian protests

    So you want to say that pagan liberalism that was originated in ancient Greece and is practiced by the West and you--- is native to Iran? Iran contributed to Islamic civilization more than anyone else. Iran was and remains central to Islamic civilization. Regarding "foreign backward ideology"...
  14. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    Aim is to prevent Iraq from becoming anti-Iranian....and if invasion is the last resort it can be done. Iran had the means to take over Iraq in 1980s and have the means today....
  15. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    If anything Iran can always invade Iraq and establish a pupet regime. There is no longer Saddam Hussein to resist Iranian invasion.
  16. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    Old video from 2011....right before the start of Syrian civil war (which was designed to weaken Iran in the region) and US withdrawal from Iraq....it explains how Iran will go after Saudi Arabia when Iran stabilizes its influence in Iraq.
  17. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    In response to sanctions, Iran will withdraw from the nuclear deal and start enriching uranium with more advanced centrifuges and will build a bomb and an ICBM----so this should pressure Washington to do something. Better for US to return to the nuclear deal. Iran will solidify control of Iraq...
  18. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    If Saudi Arabia houses US military for attack on Iran (and without Saudi Arabia housing US military-- war on Iran is impossible), Iran can destroy 30-50% of water desalination plants to put pressure and destabilize Saudi Arabia. Water desalination is an Achilles heel of Saudi Arabia and Iran...
  19. G

    Iran has military advantage over US and allies in Middle East

    Maybe not 50 trillion, but the costs will be huge, not only direct costs of war, but also the costs imposed by the closure of the Straight of Hormuz (with world economy falling into recession without the Persian Gulf oil) + destruction of oil infrastructure of Arabian peninsula + destabilization...
  20. G

    Iran's demography problem

    It is real GDP growth---already adjusted for inflation Many countries grow faster than 4%. China is 25% of world's economy and was growing 10% a year for 30 years. Now they grow 6%. Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Turkey and many other countries have all showed high average GDP...
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