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  1. uzbi aka viper

    Bangladesh, India to play historic Test

    governed by ICC (indian catastrophic coucil):cheesy:
  2. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    well they are obviously more pragmatic of what the real situation is and by the way 'telling the truth regarding what the reality isnt a criminal neglect its ironic to hear such from a person of your knowledge sir. i was talking about gilgit and azad kashmir which every indian here whine...
  3. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    read my previous post again sir i made some minor changes regards
  4. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    ..u called me son so u obviously a aged person ...sir kindly really clear my mind...if china has nothing to do with kashmir than why dont you wage a war with china on tibet on aksai chin? my second point is if you talk about vacating posts and all that ..i will talk about siachen than. even...
  5. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    or on the other hand the parents of those particular kids were giving them knowledge of what india is doing(in your term brainwashing)..pak gave to china for the purpose of development ...yeah you never started war but your army was already there to welcome us in kashmir ?? what was your army...
  6. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    Has she forgotten her promise before the elections, of delivering justice to the 123 families who lost their dear ones in the 2010 unrest? thats mehbooba mufti for you show casing the silence' obviously her hands are cuffed by the indian government or maybe she is the installed pawn of india...
  7. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    respected sir india isnt right at all the puppet government india have created sir mass murdering and suppression of the voices of kashmiris india has done sir human rights etc etc i have mention many times. read article 370 sir .."According to this article, except for defence, foreign...
  8. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    as long as army is there sir peace not going to happen..it will erupt again and again..indian army has done lots of bad things to the civilians or may be little bad things (in the time of peace) maybe!!= creates freedom fighters(in your terms terrorists)= situation escalated= peace disrupted.
  9. uzbi aka viper

    UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

    the point is when one do human rights violations then comes the role of united nation human rights council...how can we stop india otherwise ?? going on a war again ? making our self supporters of which india calls( terrorists and u listen to them) which in fact are freedom fighters which is...
  10. uzbi aka viper

    Indian General praises Colonel Sher Khan for his bravery

    sir with due respect and consuming your intellect ..i want to correct you on something and that is ' we did not ever considered Kashmir as an integral part of India so please stop depicting us "aggressors" ... we never attacked India "rather disputed,deception ,hegemony and encroachment of...
  11. uzbi aka viper

    Saudi Arabia and Pakistan: America's Worst 'Allies'

    As far as every indian is confused here i am happy ......:enjoy:
  12. uzbi aka viper

    Kashmir will Never be a Part of Pakistan - Sushma Swaraj

    regarding what indians are doing in kashmir....u dont need to be pakistani or muslim or etc u just need to be human ..thats all
  13. uzbi aka viper

    Indian Muslim women beaten for carrying beef

    such intolerance and worlds biggest democracy???
  14. uzbi aka viper

    BSF constable stabs colleague, flees with LMG, over 10 magazines

    no not cocacola its 'thumbs up":sarcastic:
  15. uzbi aka viper

    don't commit suicide hug your dentist :)

    don't commit suicide hug your dentist :)
  16. uzbi aka viper

    India And Pakistan In A Tug-Of-War Over Stealth Fighters

    he mentioned pakistan financial constraints and gave wavier to indian poverty :coffee:
  17. uzbi aka viper

    PML-N to table premarital blood screening bill

    being a doctor i would encourage this
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