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  1. Crystal-Clear

    India gripped by Covid, China quietly hardens positions in depth areas of Ladakh

    sanghis failed badly and they will try to utilize any opportunity to divert the attention.
  2. Crystal-Clear

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    bjp is trying hard to cover their failure thats why they let ipl happen .
  3. Crystal-Clear

    India gripped by Covid, China quietly hardens positions in depth areas of Ladakh

    most probably godi media trying to divert the attention of indians from bjp's incompetency.
  4. Crystal-Clear

    Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

    he wasnt a good man . khass kamm jahan Pak .
  5. Crystal-Clear

    Pakitan -Daily vaccinations crossed 1 lakh in a day for the first time yesterday. Total vaccinations yesterday were 117,852

    most one jab CANSINO (which is free of cost ) another option is Russian Sputnik V which cost 13000RS.
  6. Crystal-Clear

    BJP leader lost his mind in mist of COVID-19 pandemic

    kumbh mela k side effects.
  7. Crystal-Clear

    Islamic emirate in Afghanistan is an existential threat to Pakistan and national security threat to Iran and India: Iranian Foreign Minister

    i am damn sure the moment usa pull out someone will start eliminating everyone with indian nationality.
  8. Crystal-Clear

    The Americans wonder: Why Did India Put Aging MiG-21 Jets on the Front Lines With Pakistan?

    lol great comparing virtual soldiers with an actual soldier😆. . . why didnt india uses her best troops after low HP troop gt down?😂😂
  9. Crystal-Clear

    Haridwar: Hundreds test positive for Covid at Kumbh Mela

    according to sanghis its shud pavitaar corona . . . jayy siri paye ... so those few tablighis were spreading corona while these millions of bhangi looking sanghi babas arnt . hmmm
  10. Crystal-Clear

    Are You Ready Folks ! It's That Time of The Year ! Pakistan Day fly-past rehearsals

    kuch new ho to batao . wahi sab purana ha .
  11. Crystal-Clear

    Indira Nooyi : A Tamil Brahmin who heads world’s largest cow-meat supplier company

    why dont vedik sanghis lynch bull ? dont they knw what a bull do with their mata ?
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