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  1. White Lion

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    expecting Defense minister and PM of Israel ill be giving an order to a full fledged war
  2. White Lion

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    they want the enemy to be prepared. They can not now claim they were surprised.
  3. White Lion

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    https://english.almanar.com.lb/1336172 Palestinian Resistance Announces Launch of ‘Operation Al-Quds Sword’
  4. White Lion

    Turkey’s Air Force Is Obsolete, Warns New Study

    Turkish F4's are modernized by Israel and can be used for another 10 to 15 years in the role of ground attack but they still need to be supplemented by electronic counter measure specialized aircraft and upgraded F-16's. Still this would not bring the F-4's or F-16's to the standards of stealth...
  5. White Lion

    Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

    I would beg to differ on your optimism regarding a 2 State solution could be reached once the Arab States are in peace deal with Israel. The reasons are as follows: 1) When the Jew settlers started procuring Arab lands and came in to settle after WW2 they thought that the Palestinian people...
  6. White Lion

    PAF Getting Such High Profile Visits

    Yet we see no Polish dignitary visit PAF, though Pakistan Airforce did have many free Polish Pilots and other officers back in 1947 - 1980.
  7. White Lion

    Should Pakistan Recognize Israel?

    You would like Gal Gadot or Wonder Women? Wonder women can takeout a complete army by herself,
  8. White Lion

    Featured Chinese arrive in Argentina to negotiate sale of 12 JF-17 fighters

    This is what the British Parliament authorized for the defense of Falkland Islands. 4 RAF Typhoons against 12 JF-17 is a matter of concern. UK military assets UK military assets are drawn from all three services and include infantry and specialist troops, air defence assets, a maritime...
  9. White Lion

    Help me (SUICIDAL)

    Too bad... that will take ages for me to take mods place.
  10. White Lion

    Help me (SUICIDAL)

    How can one send PM ? Ohh Please... Euthanasia (assisted suicide) is illegal you want the other person also dead or imprisoned for life?
  11. White Lion

    Help me (SUICIDAL)

    Bro, How I see things going on your side you would have to take the deaths as a bitter pill only time will cure their loss. In Pakistan aunts and uncles are considered family even friends for that matter are also considered as part of the family. Unfortunately in UK only wife and kids are...
  12. White Lion

    Help me (SUICIDAL)

    Bro, Two things my mother told me repeatedly before she passed away which have kept me going through all situations that this world have thrown at me. I am going to share what my mother said 1) No one will treat a child as his own until it is own blood. 2) Try to find only one(1) thing that you...
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