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  1. F

    Trump: "G7...It's a very outdated group of countries"

    Trump, the gift that keeps on giving. I would have never believed that one person can single handedly destroy the alliance USA had built for almost 80 years. He can't even get German, Canada, France, etc. to come meet him. -------------------------...
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    SMIC to the rescue? Huawei shouldn’t hold its breath: experts

    Great write up. That is what "global supply chain" means. To make product A, country 1 makes A1 which country 2 needs to make A2, then country 3 makes A3 before the final product A is made. China is the country 1 and USA is the country 2. Country 2 can shut part of the supply chain down...
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    Europe is abandoning Trump on the world stage as it turns away from the US toward China

    One more term of Trump will see the creation of an European army and beginning of the destruction of NATO. I still don't want to see Trump to have 2nd term. The guy had 6 bankruptcies. He is stupid and reckless enough to start a war war 3.
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    Beijing charting national security law for Hong Kong

    It is about time. Xi is starting to fight back. China still need to fight back over the Huawei issue though.
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    Interesting, wondering how they can do the 10nm process. Also wondering if they can expand it to other devices (to support Huawei).
  6. F


    I posted this news in another section, but not many people cared. But it blows up here. https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/china-has-the-best-covid-19-test-kits-according-to-dutch-research.667354/#post-12347630
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    China’s Got a New Plan to Seize the World’s Tech Crown From the U.S.

    China wants her accomplished people back. But I am talking about something else. China shall also actively recruit smart young foreigners (who grow up in foreign countries) as new immigrant. Those people understand the culture and thinking of their own home land. When China become the number...
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    China’s Got a New Plan to Seize the World’s Tech Crown From the U.S.

    I don't think it is a deal breaker. But I do think it would good for China to be more welcoming the highly skilled immigrants. It would also help solve the aging problem. Doesn't sound like you are interested in a normal conversation. Oh well, too bad.
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    China’s Got a New Plan to Seize the World’s Tech Crown From the U.S.

    Just two person exchange ideas. If you don't like that, why even reply in the first place?
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    China’s Got a New Plan to Seize the World’s Tech Crown From the U.S.

    I don't see this as "Authoritarian" vs. "Democracy". I see this as "Meritocracy" vs. "Irresponsible Governance". Trump is never much a Republican. There is no way a Bush or a Clinton would borrow trillions of dollars so they can throw money to the voter to stay home doing nothing. Trump is...
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    China’s Got a New Plan to Seize the World’s Tech Crown From the U.S.

    Even though I am disappointed in Xi's lack of will to retaliate against Trump, Taiwan, Hong Kong protesters, and Australia (although there are baby steps in Australia case), I am extremely impressed in his strength and foresight of his domestic policy. China is going to invest $1.4T for the...
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    A Dutch study showed that test kits made by a Chinese company, BGI Group, have the best sensitivity in the world. Some quick summary of the study: - This research is carried out by a team lead by virologist Dr. Adam Meijer from the National Institute for Public Health and Environment under the...
  13. F

    China's "SARS Hero" said: "They didn't like to tell the truth"

    This just hit on CNN's main page. This is not the title on CNN, the actual title is called " Exclusive: Lack of immunity means China is vulnerable to another wave of coronavirus, top adviser warns" But we all know what the west is going to use. In this article, China's SARS Hero said that China...
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    Exclusive: U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers

    I would love to see China and Xi keep on rising. What I don't want to see is Xi keeps on rising within China while China falling (by keeps on signing unequal treaties). What China needs is a Putin right now. Xi did a great job in the epidemic. But China is a meritocracy, every province...
  15. F

    Exclusive: U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers

    Chicken had come home to roost for Xi. His refusal to retaliate against Taiwan for 4 years, against Australia for >4 years, against Hongkong protesters, and against Trump for 2 years, peoples are starting to see through Xi's weakness. Xi had made China Trump's personal ATM machine. Any times...
  16. F

    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    SMIC is on a tear. He is going on major expansion right now. https://www.eetimes.com/smic-aims-to-raise-more-than-3b-for-expansion/# --- SMIC Aims to Raise More Than $3B for Expansion By Alan Patterson 05.11.2020 0 TAIPEI — Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), based in...
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    Huawei News and Analyses

    The following article gives some insight on how Huawei's approach is different than that of Tesla, google, etc. Quote: Huawei’s C-V2X (Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything) system includes roadside units that connect traffic lights, cameras, and speed limit signs. Tesla and google's approach is to...
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    Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

    can you provide more information on this chip?
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    Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders

    This is true before Xi become President. Now, nobody know if anybody can get rid of Xi. I don't think age limit or term limit will have any effect on Xi (hope I am wrong though).
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    Do Indians consider themselves Middle Eastern or Asian?

    Asian pride is a real thing in the United States. It is very obvious within the East Asians. Southeast Asians also identify with it to a less degree. Indian are even less so. It is completely isolated within the 2nd, 3rd generation Asians (though not complete yet). 1st generation Asian still...
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