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  1. Air Wolf

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    @PakSword Maybe it was you or some other moderator who deleted my post of one word "neutral". I realize it was insensitive of me to write that but emotions got hold of me. Should have controlled the emotions and shown empathy. This is what Bajwa and his cronies have done. Immense hate &...
  2. Air Wolf

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    Horrendous act but we are neutral in this matter. Let constitution take it's course. It's FIR registered by the victim's father. Victim's name is Major Haris.
  3. Air Wolf

    Discussion: Illegal crackdown on PTI

    It's mainly nexus of 3 i.e. Bajwa, Anjum & Azhar. I forgot which thread it was but around a year back I asked a question here on the forum that isn't there a system in place inside army similar to US 25th amendment where the cabinet can denotify the president if found unable to discharge the...
  4. Air Wolf

    What will be IK surprise on NCM vote day?

    As per constitution he has no business talking about foreign policy. If he can take care of his soldiers dying unnecessarily at the borders, that will be enough.
  5. Air Wolf

    PM Imran Khan live on PTV News - April 2022 .

    Don't know if this can create any impact on the serving servicemen, 3 million ex-servicemen declare support for Imran khan against corrupt PDM mafia.
  6. Air Wolf

    Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

    Who better to judge than the ex comrades.
  7. Air Wolf

    Pakistan doesn't believe in camp politics: Gen Bajwa

    Institution started feeling the effects of Mir Jafars actions
  8. Air Wolf

    Role of Establishment in The Ongoing Regime Change Operation

    Usually we see that ex servicemen don't contradict or openly criticize the incumbent military leadership. Maybe it's the institution traditions or code of conduct. But now senior ranking (1 star, 2 star, 3 star) ex servicemen have started to show displeasure at what their brother in arms are...
  9. Air Wolf

    Role of Establishment in The Ongoing Regime Change Operation

    You are not completely wrong here even Judiciary dances to the tune of military. But this time it's the military especially Bajwa through and through. I would still like to believe that not all military elite is corrupt. Only the ones who have personal stakes outside of the country they serve.
  10. Air Wolf

    COAS and DG ISI reach PM house

    It's not whether Imran khan is right or wrong, whether he has performed well or he hasn't. Even this can be debated as he doesn't have any corruption charges on him, unlike the other thugs. Whether he did or he didn't performed, we THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN will judge and choose accordingly...
  11. Air Wolf

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Alhumdulillah....May Allah protect them and they serve the motherland with honor and dignity. Historic day. MashaAllah....very beautiful looking fighter (especially side view)
  12. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    What a pathetic bunch of sissies. Doesn't even have the courage to call it what it actually was.
  13. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Apparently it's a very difficult concept for some people here to understand.
  14. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Not silent. They are denying it categorically. 25:25 onwards,
  15. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    So it confirms there are blind spots in our air defense network.
  16. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    Yes, he did very clearly. Listen from 25:25
  17. Air Wolf

    Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

    What if the impact was on some home and there were causalities.....would then it have been considered an act of aggression and responded in kind? Only silver lining, Nescom guys will have a party.
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