اين ليست مزخرف هيچي رو نشون نميده، اگه اين به اصطلاح خبرگزاري حرفه اي بود درامد و قيمت نفت و ميزان توليد نفت رو هم نشون ميداد
به اين امار هاي مخرف باشه كه احمدي نژاد تو اون ٨ سال منحوس بيشتر از بقيه دولت ها در مجموع پول دراورد(چه دلاري چه ريالي) ولي نه تنها وضع اقتصاد و بهتر نكرد بلكه با عرض...
من نميدونم چرا زمان محمود صداي شما ها در نميومد، سال ٨٤ با دلار ١٢٢٦ و نفت ١٢٠ دلار و توليد نفت بيشتر (٢ برابر) رو با سال ٩٣ بانفت ٥٠ دلاري و توليد نفت كمتر و دلار ٣٥٠٠ كه از بركات دولت اقا محمود هست رو مقايسه كنيم ميبينيم كه واقعا كسري بودجه داريم
امثال شما مشكلتون با روحاني يه چيز ديگس بخاطر...
All sanctions will be removed today.
We already provide electricity to Pakistan via Chabahar port.have we ever cut the power due to political differences?we can be a more trustworthy partner of Pakistan(remember Shah era) comparing to Arabs that have provided you nothing but religious...
Rejection of Israel is not our fault.its a legimate right to reject illegal occupation.Israel is an ill-sorted organ that doesn't fit to ME's body.as the result its being rejected.
I feel so comfortable in this thread, friend.
the fact is Israel is the reason for almost all wars in the ME. on the other hand, Iran has never started a war since 200 to 300 years ago.actually Israel's existence equals to instability and chaos in ME. your Iranophobia agenda always sucks.
you must have got how much I like you then?
Mggge naaa ajijam?khk to sr bd bkhtt konn ke omrto tlf krdi k bbini chnta irani rjb trka ch mign!kkkhhhhheeaaaakk
I know this is stupid but I want to turn Arab for a couple of miniutes....
Reasons why Jordan is not a real country.
1-because I say it.
2-because there are 12 million people living in Tehran who think Jordan is name of a street not a country and people who live in The country named Jordan...
Tokhm means egg/testicular and 'am" in tokhm"am" indicates "my" so it is "my testicular".
if you meet a friendly Persian man use this phrase and he will probably laugh to death.