It’s just straight deplorable in the worst way.
Civilians were always going to be collateral but these stories coming out are unbelievably cruel acts of violence if true.
Any possibility Iran might be trying to assess options for intervention?
By tip-toeing I meant they don't wanna overdue their reactions in the North but you're correct.
Whatever happens I just hope that Iran doesn't leave Gaza and Hezbollah to fight Israel all alone with the Americans looming right overhead. Sentiments can change if all this amounts to a popcorn fart and a bunch of dead civilians to show for it.
Granted this war has only initiated so it's...
The IDF of today are not the same heavily ideologically driven force that created the apartheid state back in circa 1940s. Most members are young and relatively reluctant to even go to any frontline let alone headlong into certain death. So any plan IDF command undertakes to tackle Hamas in Gaza...
They don't have any "good" options that will satisfy their fanatical risk averse nature, what's happening now will incur heavy costs onto all involved.
I don’t know Salar, losing momentum by not exploiting such a conflict to its fullest extent would be a missed opportunity (I know Iran isn’t wasting any time on working around Israel but I can’t drop the feeling that more can be done). One must keep in mind IDF has capabilities to take care of...
I'm trying to ascertain whether or not Iran has been given an ultimatum through back-channels that any direct involvement of IRGC will see the possibility of a nuclear strike heightened/Air-strikes against nuclear facilities/more operations against assets in Syria etc., or if they're playing...
Respectfully Jauk, that remains to be seen.
So far they've been utterly embarrassed and have gotten quite the bloody nose but I'm not sure about losing outright.