Really is china the sole country in the world? take about arrogance you're not america
Wow the chinese are proud of a culture that their god mao destroyed? its funny
That what we said about ours guess what chinese said back again the chinese imperialist they got new toys and they think they just above everyone now
Hi bigot its filipino try that again
Ya if china does not repeat the line we legally owned the area you have no rights at all line sure why not! but again that's what they are going to do the dye is cast people but let arrogant stupid Mr middle finger find out the hard way but if he sells the west Philippine sea to anyone its...
And even if we did the Philippine constitution says we renounce as instrument of national policy only defensive warfare folks well his duterte what can you do
I agree but again Duterte
Well the Philippines case it's going to be a $1 trillion by 2030 ad our GDP is 272 billion US and our economy is fast growing in fact we growing at phase 6% to 7% every year we are one of the worlds fast growing economies
again if your air quality bad effects can be seen and its like nuclear winter just set in like what i saw in beijing ya you need your own list
Ya in the 19th century US but they miss that train
Again still china has bigger pollution problem plus a great population shaming like child is not working out your case yes their poor people here but in the end of the day there more poor people in china people say china is paradise but the truth is there if you have money why not solve the...
oh my god! you just made a lot of foes and you're talking to me about political blunders? oh my god and with bad sex joke too man you chinese are like this when your running out of ideas and lies to throw around
Yes am not talking about the US am talking about the Philippines and Indonesia as...