Pakistan replaced the Chinese ejection seats with Martin Barker a long time ago, but that's ancient history.
I am sure that the Chinese have move on from there.
Northern Uganda.
Incidentally, Saddam Husain said the same. The US will remove sanctions on Iraq if they recognised Israel. And I believe the same for Syria.
I saw picture of nurses wearing 'bikinis' in the Pacific during the war. They were so large that you could barely see anything. Almost a case of T-shirt and shorts.
There has been a change in the West, this wouldn't be Western custom fifty years ago.
The Russians have total air superiority and overwhelming artillery superiority. I heard, if I remember the figure correctly, that the Russians are firing 70,000 shells per day. The Ukrainian figure is infinitesimly smaller. Exactly how are these 'massive' casualties being inflicted?
Never heard of 1945?
Are you forgetting the basis of Nato? 'Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and keep Germany down.' A heavily armed Germany is the antithesis of Nato. You think they'll stay down and follow UK and US orders? Nato is unravelling.
And if the energy situation is so good...
The economic war means Europe is short of energy and will be for a very long time. Furthemore, the energy available will be massively more expensive. Putin gives the figure of European gas costs going from $300 per unit to $1500. It is impossible for European industry to be globally competetive...
The reality is that Russian superiority in firepower is so overwhelming that the idea of 'heavy' Russian losses are laughable. Stand well back, crush the enemy with overwhelming firepower, then go forward and pick up the pieces.
If this is considerd a realistic option, I think that we can safely assume that the government has run out of ideas and we are all doomed.
Pass the cyanide capsules...
I saw the a WW2 film about US bomber pilots and was impressed by the fact that the crew had to fly 22 missions before they could claim leave.
Then I heard about the Luftwaffe fighter pilots who basically stayed on duty until they were killed.
Hence most of the surviving pilots were actually...