LOL Irak attacked Kuwait cause Kuwait suck from an Oil field what was in Irak with the at that time new invented horizontal drilling (german invention). Irak then ask US to help solving the Problem but US said "we have nothing to do with it", and so Irak attacked Kuwait.
And in Kosovo there...
Sure it is hard to see innocent people die. That is the world we are living in. But the world is already changing. Its a long way and maybe you and me also will die while trying to change the world into good. But me dont care. At the same time we have to take care of the innocent, but this not...
There is no such thing as "anti-semitism" if it is about fascist Israel. There are even no jews in Israel. They even stole the name of their "country" from the jews.
I like to see fascists-non-jew-Israel trying urban warfare in Gaza. Yes, you read right. There are no Jews in Israel. You even steal the name of your country from the jews.
Also IDF and Settlers shot Palestinians in Westbank now. So one has to ask what function "PLO" even has. What i can see is PLO is only talking bullshit since 30 years and rubbing itself while Westbank vanishs.