They both glorify the military and despise the people. I mean, even if there was a step-by-step guide to bring harmony to Middle-East, they'd not be able to apply it. But there isn't.
Why did they create the military anyway?
They aren't contributions. Dominic Raab is everywhere in the world you live in. You go to work and you see Dominic Raab, you switch on TV and it's Dominic Raab. Everywhere. What kind of foreign minister is that?
The other people don't see us. The nations around you, they all are stamp collectors. They'll never get the grasp of how your world looks like. Therefore, you have to use blood even for attaining minor things. Being put in hard situations is a constant for Muslim Arabs till the end. That's all.
The term "humanist" or "live and let live" is quite mutable. By not letting one do a specific thing through coercion and threat, one has an aim. And when people cause all attempts to go in vain, raw language is the only thing left.
Somewhere in a far foreign nation, it's said that patients try to eat doctors just like they shred and eat anything on their way. Doctors have given up hope and escape has become the only dream left for its survivors. Glad to know you are on a good relationship with your doctor.