He probably wants to get asylum in the West. He might go to prison for a little while but when he gets out US is going to invite him over here where he will vote for Democrats who ruin this country.
I hope he finds his truck again when he comes back
A lot of people think money grows on trees in the west. When they go they end up worse than they started. Especially here in America where their is not much welfare.
Depends on your other options. You can't have everything. If all the other options are ugly and dumb than go for hot and dumb. but if you can get a little bit of both then go for it
Depends on the State. Generally left leaning liberal states are ghettos. I live in Texas and we are basically carrying this whole country with our Oil and energy supplies and infestructure. I wish we could suceed from this damn union. Maybe China can help with that lol.
Greece is not Europe. Stop LARPing.
Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Jordan are some of the richest countries in the world. Why do ottoboos act like this?
Because the other countries can afford to pay Turkey 22 billion dollars to hold the refugees in.
I don't know anything about this conflict...
When Trump announced the withdrawal, they where all for it. Now they are against it so that they can use it against Biden. I don't like any of them. They are both hypocrites