One of the things i admire western nations especially british is their ability to laugh at themselves.
India i would compare a nation who has just entered puberty.
Eager to gain acceptance, they will just rage at the slightest of criticisms.
@Armstrong anyway i like what other people think...
from the pits of hell the horde comes.
The uruk-hai born and bred for war. watched over by the eyes of Chris Christie.
don't you mean ABCD's?
American Born Confused Desis?
Not completely.
for example, Tamil Nadu is called the detroit of India because it manufactures 30% of India's automobiles and is a textile and IT powerhouse.
Karnataka with Bangalore, is an IT powerhouse.
each state must find their core competency. But, I do believe that developing nations...
sorry :p
In the future, I must learn more about the Baluch. I hear about Punjabis, Pakhtuns and even Sindhis.
From what I have seen, Balochistan is a fascinating place :-)
Recently, a lot of Japanese companies have made investments in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
I often wonder how coming from a society of order and discipline, they have the patience to set up manufacturing units in India.
But glad to see Japanese increasing their investments in India.
I call it the Cuba Phenomenon.
Kerala early in the piece, dedicated resources to health care and education. So you have this paradoxical situation of a state with 95% literacy, high amount of accessibility of health care but no jobs or industry to speak of in the state due to the stranglehold...
we do get along
@Nihonjin1051 but it is often friendly rivalry. sometimes the banter goes too far.
plus, there is a water dispute between the two states.
yes, I would say with a generalising tone, South Indians are bookish, and not as sociable as their punjabi counterparts.
Kind of long story.
Yes and No. Many ancient Tamil Kingdoms had conquered Kerala.
The Madras state in British colonial times comprised South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
In modern times no. Kerala has a distinct culture, a distinct language than Tamil Nadu...
I love Tamilians. :D And I hate them too.
they will never miss an opportunity to trumpet their ancient culture, their linguistic pride and ethnic pride.
it is their biggest folly. And their most endearing aspect.
hell no! I am a dinosaur!
@Nihonjin1051 that Bharathanatyam dancer might be Tamilian.
I don't know, I was just having a stereotypical guess :D
No. It is hard enough as it is to learn tamil. Even though many words of it are related to my language.
thank you rockstar ji, for being a rockstar here and not engaging flaming the situation.
well even among South Indians, this prejudice exists.
Hell, even in this thread, Pakistanis and Indians have a go at the darker skinned folk. You would think education would curb these tendencies.