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  1. S

    This Pakistani journalist just compared zionism to Muslim Nationalism.

    Do you disagree with the point he made though? He's talking about one of the consequences of what they have been doing. Which in turn affects the Palestinians too. Religious fundamentalists in Israel are a big deal. Non-state Jewish religious extremists have had big impact -be it Baruch...
  2. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    How do you think Pakistan and Israel would fight? Where and under what circumstances would the two countries go to war? What kind of 'one on one' battle would that be? Do they arrange to meet in a field somewhere?
  3. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    He was an arsehole who incited people to mass murder. Out of curiosity what's your opinion on those Jewish far right figures and groups in Israel who advocate murder, ethnic cleansing, settlements and racism? Some of whom are in office now.
  4. S

    This Pakistani journalist just compared zionism to Muslim Nationalism.

    Have you actually read it? What do you disagree with -specifically?
  5. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I just said that I do not condone Israel's actions. Can't be much clearer. Do you always lie this openly? Clicking on your recent posts took a few seconds.
  6. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Where have I said I condone Israel's actions? Quote it. Disagreeing with Hamas, their cheerleaders, the racist, nationalist and extremist venom spewed on here does not mean supporting the actions of another side. . Israel's Occupation is wrong as is what they are doing in Gaza now. It's also...
  7. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    'The West' or the idea that everyone or every government views things in the same way is stupid. The victim complex displayed in your comment is ridiculous. There are plenty of fundamentalists of all races, religions and nationalities. Religious fundamentalists are a disaster for all. Be they...
  8. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I am not on here advocating the murder of anyone whilst backing a movement that claims that religious identity as one of its core values. I am not supporting other wars or the conduct of other countries either.
  9. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Articulate? I bet you like Jerry Springer and Jeremy Kyle too. Why is anyone people disagree with on this site automatically an Indian?
  10. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    What's the point of these kind of debates? Just people shouting and creating a scene. Does not inform. It's a form of entertainment for some. It's bollocks.
  11. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    So Islamic rules do not apply at all times?
  12. S

    Why is sectarianism allowed here?

    He's on another thread trying to identify another forum member He's a deeply unpleasant character.
  13. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Reported. Trying to identify and trace people in real life? You really are a loathsome and quite cowardly person are n't you? Also in the post you quoted he did not say he wants to wipe Jordan off the map, he said could. Without seeing the rest of that guy s posts I cannot say what his...
  14. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Serious question though. If you are Muslim do you agree or disagree with the Islamic rules of war. Do you think Hamas, as an Islamist movement, should ignore Islamic precepts?
  15. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    So you disagree with the Quran and Islamic rules? Kind of a bold statement on a Pakistani and Muslim majority forum. Which other bits of the Quran should be ignored?
  16. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    All Jews? We? Planning on leaving your bedroom anytime soon?
  17. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There's a difference between explaining why something might happen or what's going on in a broader historical sense with justifying and defending it. I could explain why the Israeli settlers are behaving as they do, that does not mean I would be justifying it. Too many people treating this (and...
  18. S

    Why is sectarianism allowed here?

    It's all over this forum on a variety of topics -racism, sectarianism, extreme nationalism. Too many bigots attacking all kinds of people.
  19. S

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Can we? Because many do not.
  20. S

    Hamas miscalculation?

    My other favourite conspiracy theory is that Imran Khan was once a promiscuous playboy. As if such a religious man could ever have done that or had kids and denied them. I reckon it was all a CIA plan to weaken Pakistan and the Ummah. Probably a RAW and Mossad idea!
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