So according to you we were supposed to put our money on long term projects that would pay off after a decade and are attached with a heavy price tag instead of meeting our army's immediate needs in a region that was about to eat us? Even then most of the indegenous projects and cooperations...
So we are talking if you were the leader thats what you would do instead of the incomptent leadership. Stir up competition to get the best deals from asia+europe. Isnt this exactly what the incomptent leadership is doing?
Theres place for more surface to surface launchers i guess tgeyre doing that locally otherwise they wouldnt leave that much space. RAM-2 confirmed this is an air defence beast better than the berghamini (Missile wise)
Hehe remember when ISIS was a thing back in 2015. Great times
Well its constantly being upgraded so i see no issue other than our lack of APS systems on tanks and IFVs and we need to expand our drone role to tank and infantry level of support
You answered yourself. Inurgency warfare is different from conventional warfare require ops and soliders that wont stay in one place for too long. Egyptian regular infantry were used on the bwgining of this war and you can see the result and they quickly started pulling up the insurgency...
eh not our stuff that stuff is for the thunderbolt and its derviatves and they are quite numerous in our case or be ready to spend like the US or have a very small army. I want to know the percentage of soliders that are pernament and conscripted