I dont think you can turn on the army overnight
especially when theyve saved egypt from the turmoil after the crisis
And the salaries are low
i gues that plan is the begining to keeping the army away from the economy
And hopefully we dont enter another crises
well thats for the future
it wont happen due to some countries have differences with others and we simply cant isolate them
like we cant add morroco in its current conflict with Algeria
Once they settle down we can expand but i dont think this formal alliance will happen anytime soon
Theres already economic support from GCC to Egypt in the form of investments
If the gulf is threatned Egypt will intervene
Also intelligence integration as well and high level of COOP
Iraq and jordan are set to follow a similair policy and expand to other arab countries in the future once...
You can suck off iran all you want to "free palestine"
Israel and Ian's existance works both ways to the benefit of the other costing weak Arab countries their lands
End iran you End gulf sales and israel will be the eternal sole enemy
Costly wars dont matter when America's intrests are in...
You are telling me America destroyed iraq for the same reason that iran is doing
While iran didnt have half of what saddam had and they lied about WMDs while having a bigger "enemy" with the evidence they lacked of developing WMDs
Thinking iran was too powerful for america is another level of...
Israel knows the capabilities of the EN
from sinking destroyers with speed boats to sinking their brand new subs with downgraded equipment to blowing up Eliat harbor
The 209 has caused tight relations with germany and now IRIS-T systems
IF it was a peice of scrap ISrael wouldve clapped hard for...
Why dont they defend syria? Isnt syria a ally? Or is israeli bombardment benefitting them or they are weak
Read up on the plan america put to divide the middle east to turkish israeli iranian sectors in the Arab spring
Thinking america and iran are enemies is laughable at this point
You know the libyan army is the LNA right? And the current libyan goverment cannot make any decsisions on military or any foriegn cooperation by law until the elections for a new goverment but they did anyway losing their legitimacy and the only legitimate entity in libya is the LIbyan parliment...
They serve each other's purpose
They have one goal
The existance of iran serves gold for weapon sales and control
the existance of the US and israel gives it an excuse to start a conquest and control lands by proxies
America plays the cards And theyve done a good job
And probably Thats why israel was and dtill is furious of italy and Germany lol
If you know anything about the deals
The same clown put a red line you cant even get close to and forbidden you from gas and now you buy it from Egypt
Simply because i dont remember you posting that
And ive read your post and my question hasnt been answered and i dont expect an answer
Why develop your own systems while its cheaper to import and theyre more efficent? especially when said exporters are allies
Man i hope you destroy each other
But thats not happening because iran and america are freinds
Once they manage to make a functioning goverment and not be controlled by a terrorist group sponsered by iran. You think Iran is any different from israel?