Caution: since it’s been formally messaged it must be formally shown.
These are messaging regarding US ostensibly recent installation of a tripwire force in the Persian Gulf.
It’s the people. Not the government. Iranians have a built-in propensity to blame things on ‘the government’ where they are the first and foremost to blame.
از ماست که بر ماست
That said, government messaging is poor as usual.
And that said, I believe people are changing. But it’s a...
India? ‘ESA?
Iran’s space program is clearly a project management disaster. Probably a lot of internal in fighting by trenched characters and ninnies. IRGC suffers from none of these. It def has the tech and PM prowess but not necessarily the same priorities.
This is what our enemies are afraid of. It’s not a bunch of dudes beating their chests. It’s discipline. It’s belief in the abstract. It’s the very definition of power and insurmountability:
بوی کباب مرغ به مشام میاد.
گویا این جمعیت ‘کثیر’ شکمشان اونقدر پر شده که از خطرات واقعی کور شدن و دنبال لباس و حجاب و فرد گرایی و اینطور مرخرافات میرن.
خوشبختانه نظرات این طیف بیشتر از گوز شتر نیست.😃
خوشبختانه ایرانیان عدالت جو فرمان را به دست دارن.
جالبه این مرغ خوران هر وقت بوق رسنایه...
Fortunately Iran and NK are cooperating at a very effective level. Meanwhile countries like Japan and Korea are drowning in the backwash of western technical crumbs. They color their hair purple and women act like Manga. 😂
Your self defeating diminishment of NK notwithstanding, they do NOT have an internal capacity for independent drone manufacturing. The tech and armament has been provided by Iran: