Nobody said we should rebuild Afghanistan.. It is doing that itself. Afghanistan is already outpacing Pakistan..
Come 20 years from now Afghanistan will be far ahead of Pakistan in all areas and domains. They are a stabile government compared to us. They are not out to self-sabotage like we do...
North India will be a blessing in disquise. India has arable lands and plenty of resources including agri potential.. If we consolidate these territories we could become great power once again..
The RSS will eventually wear down Pakistan's patience and war will be the only solution to the subcontinent going forward.. They are fanatical element and rest assured if not kept in check we will go inside India and keep them in check
It is regretable that the escalation didn't climb to ridiculous heights in 2019 and ideally a no point of return was in our best interest not the other way around as most assumed..
We need to find our way back into the subcontinent
We could beat India into bloody pulp within 2 years. They will seek for ceasefire but it should not be accepted.
Even if you push them past Delhi they will still opt for it which will be stragetic failure if we were to do it. Once push comes to real shove someone will get pushed and that won't...
You have nothing but assumptions and incoherent thought process you are all over the place.. What do I mean by assumptions. What you are posting as statehood political sentence is an underground gossips.. Come to me when officials demand us hand over half of our country if not get the fuk outta...
Everything you have is assumption, your appear nervous and incoherent in your thought process.
But either way you are either stupid as a door or you are a sad minority element who doesn't like Pakistan or you are an Indian which is my strongest guess but either way..
We need strong position...
This indian bot is one weird dude..
What the hell are you gonna cite next.. A tribal random skirmish that happened in some nowhere back water in the 1920s between farmers of both sides etc etc.. Get outta here with this. You are trying to create some sort of rivalry to an extent it doesn't even...
If they wanted they would have said it to your face why would they keep that from you.. They have shxt to lose and but that is not there intentions and don't be a fool..
If you wanna know someones thru intention you gotta understand motives and interests etc etc. India wants Pakistan destroyed...
You have been outted to be an Indian..
I am without a doubt supporter of Pakistan rest assured and I don't care about Afghans whatsoever..
Hence catch my drift.. I wanna climb someone to gain my goals. I am intellectually advanced but you sir are dumb..
You may ask what is my goal that I eat...
You aren't being sincere with this and I doubt you are Pakistani to be fairly honest.
What choice do you have? Don't you understand that a future conflict with gangus is not about if but when which means it is guaraanted down the line.. 3 the safest thing to guess is God, Taxes and a future...
What choice do they really have.. Their longivity is tight to a strong Pakistan that guards of the LOC as bordering India would be detrimental for them hence a strong alliance with Pakistan is the only option viable..
The importance of AfPak can't be put into mere words and how important it is stragetically for both entities and specifically at this point in history.
Where both sides have no options but to band together despite even differences will be trumped by their significiance of banding together. The...
Who are these with foreign passports meaning Jews with foreign passports but almost all of Israel has 2 passports minimum as it is a melting pot.. You have Eastern European jews, Polish jews, Russian, Ukrainian Jews, Bulgarian Jews, Hungarian jews Turkish Jews, Iranian Jews, Moroccan Jews...
I agree with Turkey's sentiments here... Harbouring an allies wanted terrorists and criminals is unethical... They should definitely outlaw PKK and FETO plus handover the wanted elements by Ankara
Elections can't come anytime sooner. I just don't think they know how to run the represent the country and this gov't has already failed in my honest opinion.. Shahbaz is not up to the task. I rarely condemn the gov't but elections can't come anytime sooner