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  1. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    AKASH is also not that costly compared to western or Chinese systems.... Armenia is our friend and we can supply this on soft loans or simply on friendly installments....
  2. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    For Air Defense Armenia should go for AKASH....
  3. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Thanks I did not know this.... I was under the impression we had only Boforse deployed that time....
  4. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    you can post whatever videos you want I cant stop you.... my point is it was not a full fledge battle.... our troops are battle hardened and it has been proven in previous wars including Kargil and Chola incident with china in 67 had more Chinese casualties.... See some times you are at...
  5. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    Hi have we ever used Pinaka in any battle?
  6. vishwambhar

    Armenia signs 250 million USD defence deal with India

    India has not yet purchased HIMARS from USA.... Though it would be a good news if we get HIMARS as s stop gap till our own Pinaka becomes comparable to it.... especially it would be good deterrence against Chinese HIMARS types on LAC
  7. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    Nobody lost it was a bare hands fight with stick and rods and both had casualties.... India was very quick and transperant to declare casualties whereas pla was hiding casualties for months and after few months they only declared 5 deaths which are actually more....
  8. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Tajikistan air base I guess is no more operational now, another issue is it's landlocked country with no border sharing with India.... Keeping up logistics support running during war time will be difficult.... I think this is the main reason it was shut down.....
  9. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    In 65 you had 200 planes which could be totally deployed against India whereas India couldn't deploy all those 700 jets against Pakistan as we had China on the east with whom we had a war just 3 years back and your eastern wing too to take care of..... so please we also were not having any real...
  10. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    In 65 and 71 IAF was more on offensive mode conducted large nos of sorties compared to PAF which was mainly on defensive mode with some offensive raids whenever possible... it was obvious for IAF to loose more jets.... in 2019 it was a surprise but still only wintage MIG was lost.... without...
  11. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Yes who owns the skies of Kashmir..... Stop over playing one small Ariel skirmish victory by shooting down Mig 21..... If you were owning the skies you would have shown that after 370 article and even after brahmos blackmail..... And till date there is nothing to prove a flanker kill... And ohh...
  12. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    As long as our pilot was returned unscathed immediately and your own parliament representative revealed the truth I don't have any reason to believe what some random @Bleek on PDF says..... Thank you.....
  13. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    I am not downplaying anything…. It was a few minutes skirmish and IAF underestimated PAF response hence they were not ready and were heavily outnumbered…. Only MIG 21 was shot down and its possible as its being an older aircraft cannot handle AMARAM….. Single few minutes skirmish cannot make...
  14. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    There is no part taken from India.... both armies are stopping each other from patrolling points in no mans land..... Now Chinese have gone back from Pangangtso area last year this year they went back from Gogra Hotspring... you will soon see them going back from Despang (in no man land area...
  15. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    There was no Baburs ready to launch.... No country will wait for 48 hours to retaliate in this situation..... for 27th Feb please it was just like throwing stone on the window and running away..... When BRAHMOS got involved then PAIR KAPKAPANE LAGE AUR MASTHE PE PASEENE CHUT GAYE.... so its okay...
  16. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    This is your misconception..... today you see how even Russia is struggling against comparatively very small military like Ukrain.... Terrain for them is not as hard as Terrain India enjoys against China..... You seriously believe its so easy for China to occupy NE??? unless and until you hate...
  17. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Okay fine... then coming back to topic USA has just given Pak a support equipment and India like any other country posses a right to protest... nothing like cry baby.... in worst situation we have Brahmos to take care of this threat.....
  18. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Why then you were waiting to retaliate with your Babur.... Why did you wait for India to regret on the incident after 2 days..... About having a completely destroyed missile in hand and to make something out of it sorry you are not that advanced country..... fact is you were not able to...
  19. vishwambhar

    US Hands it to Indian Cry Babies

    Nuclear capable missile of No.1 enemy was loitering in their air space for 5 minutes crossing high value strategic locations and dense population centers and hit Miyan Channu.... and they were only enjoying tracking its path without counter measures.... Do we even need to argue??? To me it was...
  20. vishwambhar

    Is Bangladesh willing to be a part of Greater India?

    Well my friend most of the times when it comes to India people here love to portray the pictures like it's enemy who will be only delivering the punch and it's India who will be always at receiving end...... India too will try to neutralize these so called missile attacks from elevated doklam...
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