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  1. vishwambhar

    France to support bid to export next-generation tank to Indian Army

    Though I love ARMATA because of it's futuristic design Leclerk too was my first love in tanks..... I would love to see this beast in Indian military..... which one is more powerful??? Experts please..... @iLION12345_1 sorry bro to disturb but which tank is good in your opinion between ARMATA...
  2. vishwambhar

    India Quietly Launches 3rd Arihant-class Nuclear-powered Submarine, Can Carry 8 Ballistic Missiles: Report

    Is there any plans by IN to have homemade SSNs? I also heard France might offer us their nuclear barracuda on lease.... Is it true?
  3. vishwambhar

    India Quietly Launches 3rd Arihant-class Nuclear-powered Submarine, Can Carry 8 Ballistic Missiles: Report

    Sorry not induction but I'm happy to see the speed they have built this submarine..... Now we have 3 homemade SSBNs which is good now can't wait to see it's going out for sea trials....
  4. vishwambhar

    China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

    Cheap coward land incursions by iron brother will obviously be looked like as if mighty iron brother flattened fortified Indian defences and took it..... For obvious reasons.....
  5. vishwambhar

    India Quietly Launches 3rd Arihant-class Nuclear-powered Submarine, Can Carry 8 Ballistic Missiles: Report

    Since this beast is a war (Yudh) Machine I'm playing below song as a welcome to this baby......
  6. vishwambhar

    China ups the ante against India, renames 15 places in Arunachal Pradesh

    Poor China..... She is now days behaving like mental budhiya (phycho old lady) leaving in her own fantastic world..... I can certainly understand her feelings after all Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh are her nails or children who will one day go back to her..... If changing names giving this...
  7. vishwambhar

    Happy New year

    No bro why think negetive....by that logic everyone is loosing his 1 year hear..... Jab tak Zinda hai Jawan hai.....
  8. vishwambhar

    India Quietly Launches 3rd Arihant-class Nuclear-powered Submarine, Can Carry 8 Ballistic Missiles: Report

    Yes indeed I am too surprised to see such a faster induction of 3rd SSBN..... But you are right at the same time we need to fast track conventional submarine program...... Also something has to be done on the induction of SSNs ..... I'm actually of the view that in future India should only...
  9. vishwambhar

    Happy New year

    Hi everyone from PDF..... I wish you all and your dear families a safety, serenity and happyness for the new year ahead and always...... Regards,
  10. vishwambhar

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    What a cool song my all time favorite..... and especially right now its really cool when I am having ice chilled beer to celebrate 31st..... Thanks....
  11. vishwambhar

    India Quietly Launches 3rd Arihant-class Nuclear-powered Submarine, Can Carry 8 Ballistic Missiles: Report

    Now this is the perfect news to make year end happy...... ARIGHAT means GHAT (END) OF ENEMIES IF PROVOKED.... India has launched its third Arihant-class a nuclear powered Submarine in Visakhapatnam. The low-key launch was reported by UK-based Janes Defence Weekly through satellite imagery from...
  12. vishwambhar

    IAF MiG-21 crashes in Jaisalmer

    Quantity itself is a quality..... Nothing beats quantity....
  13. vishwambhar

    India’s Nuclear Arsenal Takes A Big Step Forward

    Even peaceful countries like India also needs to maintain some deterrence..... Look at the speed our enemies are arming themselves..... HQ9 last month inducted and now new jets are possibly being inducted..... We need some deterrence....
  14. vishwambhar

    Defence Min Rajnath Singh Warns Pakistan; 'India Will Cross Border & Attack If Provoked'

    Brahmos is a number 1 threat to enemies..... BTW first I am hearing missiles like SANT and GAURAV..... can you shed some light on this.....
  15. vishwambhar

    IAF MiG-21 crashes in Jaisalmer

    Agreed with a heavy heart....
  16. vishwambhar

    Why Do Global Firms Prefer INDIAN CEOs ? Pakistani Reactions

    Oucch.... You just murdered him 😜🤣
  17. vishwambhar

    IAF MiG-21 crashes in Jaisalmer

    I never meant to say that.... F16 is totally in different league.... But for us migs are still important when our squadron numbers are falling down.... MIG 21 if accidents number is reduced is still a formidable interceptor.... Given the condition of our economy today it's obvious we won't be...
  18. vishwambhar

    IAF MiG-21 crashes in Jaisalmer

    If we had that financial luxury but things are not that easy for poor countries like India my friend.... unfortunately....
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