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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Please don't compare banana Arab republics established by the British empire by the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire or by the French to Iran. Iran does not have the same demographics similar to any of these countries, with a completely different culture, sense of nationalism and history...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The chance of a strong earthquake hitting Tehran and destroying the capital is at least a million times more likely than a civil war. Unless you suffer from severe drug dependent paranoia, like you might do, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Of all the ways that Iran can fall apart, a civil war is...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Head of the Police? Sure. Gasht-e Ershad? I don't think so.

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I don't think Khamenei interferes in that kind of stuff. The head of the police in Tehran is probably elected by his indirect decision, I don't think he gets directly involved in non-important roles like Gasht-e Ershad. But I do blame him for excessive use of violence against unarmed protestors...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Jannati, poor guy is a national-level joke. I wouldn't really call Khamenei the Ahriman. I don't believe that a single person could change a country for the better or worse. He was a bright cleric in his prime years. When you look at the people that were involved in the regime that came after...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Not anybody that I know of. Raeesi is nowhere as charismatic and clever as Khamenei. Khamenei's son, Mojtaba, is not very well-known by the people. All we know about him are rumors that you can find in social media. But there's no doubt that he completely lacks popular support. In fact, if...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I'm starting to believe that Khamenei is perhaps terminally sick. He had prostate cancer, although his surgery was successful, but there's always the chance that it would return. At 83, there's no doubt that he's no longer sharp like his prime years.

    Iranian Chill Thread

    آریوبرزن جان سکوت شما تو این بحث واقعاً جایز نیست @Raghfarm007 همینطور اون یکی دوستمون به عنوان کسانی که اوایل انقلاب هم بودن و دیدن نظرتون خیلی مهم هست هر دو فرد میانه‌رویی هستید که کمتر درگیر مباحث سیاسی می‌شید و بیشتر روی رشد علمی ایران تمرکز کردید پیشرفت علمی در کشور هرگز نمی‌تونه جایگزین...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    خدایی‌اش سال ۹۸ که اصلاً چیل نبودن تو جنوب کشور در حد جنگ داخلی پیش رفت البته من خودم طرفدار سرکوب شورش ۹۸ بودم چون از خارج خط گرفته بودن واقعاً سر همین داستان هم اون زمان کلی از دوستان و اطرافیان و اینها فحش خوردم که تو رو حکومت شست‌و‌شو مغزی داده و بسیجی شدی و اینها اما این سری نمی‌شه چشم رو...
  10. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    چیزی که برای من خیلی عجیب هست اینه که یه سری‌ها بر عکس اینی که می‌گن می‌خوان کشور مثل سوریه نشه راهکارهایی که ارائه می‌دن دقیقاً برای همون مسیر هست تا یه حدی‌اش قطعاً از سر دلسوزی می‌تونه باشه. خود من هم فکر نمی‌کنم که با این تظاهرات یک دفعه مثلاً‌ انقلاب بشه و یهو همه چیز تغییر کنه و اینها اما...
  11. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Good to know your stance on the issue.
  12. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I like how all, like 100%, of the cyber personnel of the regime claim they've been born in a "liberal fascist western" country. LOL It reminds me of those LA residents that all of them had to leave Iran because their lives were in danger and the regime wanted to kill them. ROFL It's text book at...
  13. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    من اصلاً کاری به اینکه هدف چندم فلان جا هست کاری ندارم بحث من این هست که نفوذ کاملاً واقعی هست حالا شاید بیشترین نباشه. اما تو کشورهایی که هم اندازه و اهمیت ایران هستند جز اونهایی هستیم که دشمن شدید نفوذ داره وقتی کسی تو ایران کاره‌ای هست و تمام خانواده‌اش خارج از ایران هستند یعنی طرف باید...
  14. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    یعنی بعد از این همه ترور بالاترین رده‌های نظام مثل فخری‌زاده که تو خود ایران ترور شدن هنوز نفهمیدی؟ بعد از خرابکاری تو استراتژیک‌ترین و سری‌ترین مراکز امنیتی و نظامی هنوز نفهمیدی؟ حالا شاید بیشترین نباشه، اما دشمن تا مغز استخوون نفوذ کرده این حملات هکری که دیروز به ایران شد فکر می‌کنی بدون نفوذ...
  15. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I like how all your insults eventually are of sexual nature, which shows who really is sexually frustrated. Do you want to take credit for the fall of Saddam? Because the US overthrew Saddam's regime, not Iran.
  16. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    What about the 8 year war? It caused us trillion dollars of economic damage. And even the ongoing sanctions. They have a huge impact on the lives of Iranians. 300 frustrated youngers? lol I like how detached from reality you guys are.
  17. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    These protests are in fact by far the most widespread protests that I have seen. And I went to the Green movement protests as well. Except for the first 3 or 4 days, I would say that the current protests are larger and more widespread. The Green movement was mostly in upper-middle class Tehran...
  18. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    برام جالب هست که تکرر رو به افزایش اعتراضات و گسترشش به شهرهای بیشتر نگرانشون نمی‌کنه یک دوره‌ای بعد از ۱۸ تیر سال ۷۸ ده سال طول کشید تا دوباره اعتراض کنند مردم. تازه ۷۸ اعتراضات فقط دانشجویی بود یعنی ده سال آرامش کامل بود تا اینکه ۸۸ اتفاق افتاد که بیشتر مربوط به قشر متوسط رو به بالای جامعه در...
  19. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    کشتار بالا می‌گیره بین مردم و نیروهای انتظامی اگه راست باشه
  20. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    بزرگترین شانس جمهوری اسلامی اینه که رضا پهلوی یه آدم بی‌عرضه و بدون کاریزما هست اگه راست باشه یعنی اوضاع جدی هست
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