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    Iranian Space program

    The story of technology in Iran is the story of that average guy that has the breadth of an ocean but the depth of a pool. We have developed a variety of high technologies that most countries don't bother to go after them for various reasons, but we are still at the very first stages of nearly...

    NYC Brain Computer Startup Announces FDA Trial Before Elon Musk

    A brain-computer interface company is entering clinical trials for its implants in the U.S., a big step toward getting the futuristic devices into more skulls to help treat conditions like paralysis. New York-based Synchron Inc. said it received permission from the Food and Drug Administration...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    The asshole continues to "regret" that he couldn't revive the JCPOA during the last year of his administration, blaming the parliament for the bill that they passed to prevent him and Zarif from another treason. He even went on to call the bill 9/11 (because it was passed on the 11th day of...

    Iran tops the world in 2022 International Biology Olympiad

    Remember I told you that the best talents of our country are leaving engineering and mathematics and instead are choosing biology-related majors? As a result, we will soon see better performance from our students in biology and chemistry Olympiads instead of math, physics and astronomy...

    Iran tops the world in 2022 International Biology Olympiad

    China still feels obliged to play by the rules of the West which I find very confusing because China is now strong enough to act independently. China-Iran relations should be very warm considering that both countries have been targeted by the West for decades and are still being targeted as we...

    Second Politician In Tehran Says Iran Can Produce Nuclear Weapons

    Iran needs more than fusion-boosted fission bombs, assuming Iran has any. A big if. Iran needs hydrogen bombs to defend herself against genocidal countries like the US.

    Iran tops the world in 2022 International Biology Olympiad

    IBO 2022 was held from July 10 to 18 in Yerevan, Armenia; which was attended by 65 countries, where Iran and Russia jointly ranked first. The four-member team, who made an honorable effort winning four gold medals, include, Mehdi Afshari, Amir Reza Zeinali, Mohammad Amin Kyani, and Mohammad...

    Iran ranks 2nd in the world in mathematics after adjusting for population and GDP.

    I bet it was that small penis thing that finally triggered you. That always rubs Indians and East Asians the wrong way. I'm literally laughing on the floor now. 🤣🤣 Oh, by the way, find 11 players in football to field them and don't be a joke. I'm referring to both China and India now. It's...

    Iranian Chill Thread

    حالا به نظرت روس‌ها چی جای این پهپادها به ما می‌دن که ارزشش رو برای ما داشته باشه؟ اگه خبر راست باشه
  10. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    خب به نظرت در برابرش چی می‌گیریم؟ چطوری روسیه حاضر هست به ترکیه که عضو ناتو هست اس-۴۰۰ رو زمانی که هنوز اس-۵۰۰ رو عملیاتی نکرده بود بفروشه، چطوری حاضر هست به ترکیه پیشنهاد همکاری تو پروژه سوخو-۵۷ رو بده، اما حاضر نیست به ایران حتی سوخو -۳۵ بده؟ هر چیزی کمتر از پیشنهاد همکاری تو سوخو-۵۷ و فروش...
  11. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    خب اون بنده خدا هم حرف شبیه خودت رو می‌زنه که مسخره‌اش می‌کنی دیگه می‌گه از شرایط استفاده کنید اما به داستان دلخوش نباشید که متحد ضد تحریم و اینها هستیم می‌گه سیاست ایران به شدت یک طرفه هست در حالی که سیاست ما می‌تونه مثل چین یا ترکیه باشه
  12. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    من نمی‌دونم دیگه چین و روسیه چطوری باید به ایران بگن تو رو جز خودمون حساب نمی‌کنیم تا شما بفهمید از ۴ بار قطعنامه شورای امنیت علیه ایران درس نگرفتید از ماجرای راکتور هسته‌ای بوشهر که درس نگرفتید از ماجرای اس۳۰۰ که درس نگرفتید از ماجراهای متروی تهران و آزادراه تهران-شمال هم که درس نگرفتید از...
  13. QWECXZ

    Iran ranks 2nd in the world in mathematics after adjusting for population and GDP.

    Dude, you are really retarded. Just reading your post I feel like I am talking to an idiot. But knowing where you are from, I can't really expect better. A combination of Indian genetics + Chinese genetics must be quite interesting. Small brain, small stature and small penis. You have won shit...
  14. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    به خاطر منافع خودش این کار رو می‌کنه اگه اینطوری باشه آلمان هم زمان کرونا از ایران تجهیزات پزشکی می‌خرید خود ایران از آمریکا کلی چیز وارد می‌کنه اگه اینطوره بعد تازه مگه چقدر نفت می‌خره؟ یه زمانی چین از ایران روزانه ۲ میلیون بشکه نفت می‌خرید و ایران صادر کننده اصلی نفت به چین بود الان چین شده...
  15. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    اون وقت فکر می‌کنی روسیه میاد با ما سیستم میان بانکی مشترک داشته باشه؟ یه جوری می‌گی اینستکس رو نتونستیم برقرار کنیم انگار ۵۰ تا خط بانکی با چین و روسیه داریم برو ببین دانشجویان ایرانی تو چین چی می‌گن محدودیت‌های دانشجویان ایرانی تو چین کمتر از اروپا نیست همین داستان درباره روسیه هم درسته زمانی...
  16. QWECXZ

    Iran ranks 2nd in the world in mathematics after adjusting for population and GDP.

    First of all, do not repeat what a Chinese member said. Also, because each country sends a fixed number of participants that doesn't make per capita a retarded concept because choosing those 6 members is still done from a talent pool that is directly proportional to the population of the...
  17. QWECXZ

    Iranian Chill Thread

    حرفش ولی اشتباه نیست
  18. QWECXZ

    Iran ranks 2nd in the world in mathematics after adjusting for population and GDP.

    Yeah, China refused to go to Taiwan in 1998. I noticed it just now. Still, 1st is 1st. Something that India can never even dream of it. Not now, not even in future. And the fact that as an Indian, you need to lick the balls of your enemy (China) to prove a point because your country is shit...
  19. QWECXZ

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    - Wrong logic. What if it amounts to 0 out of the 1909 published documents? And there's a huge difference between an original paper or a case study that has been implemented and a review article that relies on other articles, for example. - Because if that bright scientist is stupid enough to...
  20. QWECXZ

    Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

    1) It's irrelevant because it doesn't show what they are publishing about. Optics is a large subject as you know. 2) They already have those papers in their hands. Why do you think Scopus offers products like Scival in the first place? The whole purpose of databases like Web of Science and...
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