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  1. D

    China to Trounce U.S. in Next Decade

    i told you,slant eyed chinks are on high opium:rofl:
  2. D

    China to Trounce U.S. in Next Decade

    seems like slant eyed chink lives in dellusions as they are growing more..but your ccp will never pay you more than 50 cents. bloody chinks,mind your own business. commie chinks thinking about disintegration of other country:rofl: seems you are on high opium or loving more and more 50 cents:lol:
  3. D

    China to Trounce U.S. in Next Decade

    its amazing that banana deshi like you thinking so..who gave you birth and you are talking against your father like this....... mind your 3rd class illegal migrants to our country and take them back
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