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  1. S

    Somalia/Turkey: “Istanbul” becomes most popular name for newborn girls in S

    1. For political reasons, Erdogan just wants to increase Turkey's global influence, Somalia is very cost effective in this regard. 2. Erdogan is a pious man and wants to assist his fellow Muslims. 3. Look at the map. Somalia is placed in a critical region, it has access to both the Indian...
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    Iran should just leave the NPT

    ^have you got your head under a rock? oil prices have steeply fallen. contrary to the popular myth, there is an abundance of oil, problem was just that suppliers were hoarding onto their oil as they expect prices to rise. just look at exxons and shells profits dwindle this quarter. iran can't...
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    Iran should just leave the NPT

    What do you think? Currently Iran is observing the NPT to the letter but not exactly how the US would like it to. Iran is in the precarious situation where they're observing the NPT while at the same time being punished as if they weren't. Why not just leave the treaty since they (US and co)...
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    Iran threatens to stop imports from South Korea over oil halt

    More sabre rattling from Iran. South Korea has a 1 trillion dollar economy, who they think they're threatening?
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    Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp

    How come we're not hearing about it? just saying.
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    Israeli tourists killed in bus explosion in Bulgaria

    If it was Iran (no evidence), I do hope they carry out more sneaky operations like this because they've been very sloppy in the past. Oh, and those Israelis knew they had it coming, their government has been murdering civilians in their homes and abroad for the past 60 years so they should...
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    In Iran, They Want Fun, Fun, Fun

    I've been to Iran, what Suranes is showing is pictures of youth in the higher class suburbs of Tehran. Go to the villages or other areas of the major cities where most people actually live and you'll see a very different picture.
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    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    LMAOOO Turkey got f*****. The plane crashed in Syrian territory yet they claiming there was no border violation, what a joke. This is what you get for harbouring and supplying weapons to terrorists. can't fight your own wars buddy? need us to save your *** after provoking a war?
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    Iraq and Iran form alliance within Opec

    That's a fair point. But Iran needs some breathing space from the sanctions and international isolation to make it's private sector more amenable to trade, this has not been the case for the last 10 years. However I do see Iran being relieved from the worst of the current sanctions regime within...
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    Iraq and Iran form alliance within Opec

    Iran may not realise it, but Iraq will soon be its biggest economic threat. Iraq's massive investment in its oil industry is paying off as it reaches record levels of oil production where Iran's production has actually been declining due to obsolete equipment, technology etc
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