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  1. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Curious case of anti-CAA protests

    And in any case the CAA is specific and only covers minorities from 3 countries (that too who may have have come in before a specific timeline). It does not affect current citizens. As for the uproar, the uninformed and the devious minded can keep making noise, this is now an act of law.
  2. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

    I have ONE ID. Mods are welcome to verify. Please stop branding anyone you dont agree with as such. Just shows your insecurity.
  3. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

    Lol yeah, 5 km jog works fine for me
  4. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

    Wow, so you found the su-30 too?? Let me guess, there was an Israeli pilot too
  5. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Hindu Mahasava arranges "Cow Urine" drinking party to tackle coronavirus

    The world media (at least the responsible ones) do not dabble in content that is curated to make some community feel good at the expense of another. Perhaps, what you should be asking, is why is this obscure article there on a Bangladeshi or Pakistani site, than on more renowned platforms??
  6. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2020

    I think Lahore has been one of the most underrated teams this season. They have the talent, and can deal with any other team in their day, but they lost momentum in the initial couple of matches. Good to see them coming back strong!!
  7. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Saudi investors feel the pain of Aramco free-fall

    Stocks, especially oil related have fallen across global indices. You are simply trying to paint ARAMCO as one. Read more current news about global indices, why they are going down, and especially on oil/crude-linked stocks.
  8. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

    Where's the doosra Banda? Hi CMH Gaya that? Any reports since Feb 2019 on him?
  9. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's scam-driven economy laid bare.

    In the current global order, as far as economics go, it is always about China.
  10. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2020

    Not to be insensitive to any Karachi fans , but this match was a cracker!!! And Dunk really went berserk!! One of the best T20 matches I've watched in a long time.
  11. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's scam-driven economy laid bare.

    Be that as it may, instead of spewing *uninformed* venom, what's stopping Pakistan from becoming an IT services export hub???? Oh yes, people want $$ to magically come to them, lekin mehnat nahi karni Why do that, it's a fact and the world knows it.
  12. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's scam-driven economy laid bare.

    Wow, the call center piece of the BPO pie in India, is insignificant now. And the so called call centers that exist, are either captive ( to banks or organizations) or standalone (contracted by companies in the US or EU). To cite an exam of some scam that may have happened years ago, and claim...
  13. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Indian YES Bank Defaults ! Millions of People Affected.

    Wow, that some really financial wiz input !! If you don't understand economics, why comment on it with a totally irrelevant context?? Mods, doesn't this count for inflammatory behaviour ??
  14. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    With all being said, it appears that nobody (across the world) is serious about actually fighting and eliminating this darn scourge. There seem to be overt/covert efforts to either deny that it is a problem, or to downplay the effects of what it can do.
  15. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    Even without insurance, that's an exorbitant amount!!! Considering you're testing your own citizens for something that is very well a global pandemic
  16. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    3200 USD for a test??? Dude, these tests are free. If Iran has the max cases currently, outside China, wouldn't they also have been provided with detection kits??
  17. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Real Time Update on Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

    I thought Saudi Arabia has stopped ??
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