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  1. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Here's everything Pakistan has done so far to fight the coronavirus pandemic

  2. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Here's everything Pakistan has done so far to fight the coronavirus pandemic

    Just blame the spike on people who crossed over from Iran. Pakistan is at the forefront of the medical community and has probably developed a vaccine for covid-19 already
  3. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's Low Number Of Coronavirus Cases Could Be Result Of Low Testing

    Yeah sure...whatever floats your boat. Lol
  4. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's Low Number Of Coronavirus Cases Could Be Result Of Low Testing

    @Raj-Hindustani no point. If someone has decided that meaningful discussion is not on the menu today, best to ignore.
  5. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    India's Low Number Of Coronavirus Cases Could Be Result Of Low Testing

    I guess it's no surprise that trolls who have nothing meaningful to contribute won't even make the effort to find new ways to derail a thread, rather use the same old rhetoric ...clap clap.
  6. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    The National Assembly was told that *over 6,000* Pakistanis returning from Iran fled quarantine.

    Where else are Pakistani citizens supposed to go? Why would Iran be at fault here
  7. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Indian minister asks corona virus to leave

    And the sane people have left the forum
  8. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    The halal food market is booming globally

    True, it's low hanging fruit. But you also need world class processing and packaging facilities.
  9. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Corona Virus India l Updates, News & Discussion

    You can wake someone who is ACTUALLY asleep, but not someone who is just pretending to be asleep.
  10. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

    Thanks for your understanding, but having seen how people react on pdf, I thought it was best to clarify beforehand. I understand your point .
  11. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Since 2000s IAF has lost 30 4th gen fighters compared to PAF 3

    Shit yaar, if we had rafale we would have increased everything to 100%, bas khush?
  12. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

    Having said that you can't actually BAN weddings, but regulate them and issue laws that need to be followed at such gatherings. That said, there needs to be an infrastructure that can monitor and enforce the regulation. I understand, but since it applies to the holy place, I chose to NOT be...
  13. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

    Some might feel this is blasphemous, but Saudi Arabia actually took the right step in this direction.
  14. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Since 2000s IAF has lost 30 4th gen fighters compared to PAF 3

    Dont understand why the need for these unnecessary pissing contests. :hitwall:
  15. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

    4-6 months is unimaginable, empty plates will happen if this goes on for more than a month!!
  16. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2020

    Things were looking bleak for them at the beginning, but they came back. They have that spirit!! They will come back!! Karachi is (my personal opinion) an overrated team. Imad Wasim, an overrated player. Chalo, let's see what Karachi does with a sub-par score by the Qalanders
  17. Sc0lar_Vis@ri

    ‘Pakistan’s economic fundamentals strong enough to absorb coronavirus shocks’

    Agreed, nothing wrong with it when you are comparing apples to apples. Not when you compare the overall market cap, and the sectors that contribute to that market cap.
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