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  1. Vanezi

    Comparison| Pakistani,Iranian,Afghan,Indian,Bangali food.

    My friend told me that there are a few Persian/Iranian restaurants in Finland, so we are going for a small roadtrip next summer to try them out :P have never tasted any middle-eastern food.
  2. Vanezi

    Israel Defense Forces

    Woah, the Namer is freaking massive, or then it just looks like it in the photos... i always tought the MT-LBs were huge until i saw them close-up :D
  3. Vanezi

    Qazi Hussain Ahmed DIes

    R.I.P I remember reading about him on some finnish news channel or paper many years ago, dont know what the article was though.
  4. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Almost forgot, The Guards jaeger regiment (Kaartin Jääkärirykmentti) formed in 1996, is a unit trained specially for urban combat, and they are responsible for defending the capital, the regiment is located in Santahamina, near Helsinki. They also conduct public duties, such as guarding the...
  5. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    There are many great soldiers of the winter war, one other example is Aarne "Terror of Marocco" Juutilainen, he had served 5 years in the French foreign legion. In the winter war, he was a lietunant, Simo Häyhä fought in his unit. Juutilainen has been told to be one of the bravest finns during...
  6. Vanezi

    Video Gamers report in!

    Halo 4 and BF 3 are my addictions :D
  7. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Here in Finland, a pint of beer costs 5€ which is a lot for 0,5l, as you can buy a 12 pack of beer for 12€... now to the less important subjects ;) Education and healthcare are basically free. Tax % in my region is 20%, and then you add everything else to that. :P not the cheapest country to...
  8. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Continues(wheres the darn edit button? :argh:) : The Finnish navy operates a total of 46 vessels (Patrol boats and training vessels not included) and are getting 3 new mine countermeasure vessels, they will be in service by 2015. The navy has not engaged in defensive combat since the Lapland war...
  9. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    FDFs primary goal is to defend Finland militarily, it is divided into 3 branches, Army (Maavoimat), Air Forces (Ilmavoimat) and Navy (Merivoimat). War-time strenght currently is 350,000 men, but will be lowered to 230,000 after 2015 modernization programs, the Finnish army has 3 Readiness...
  10. Vanezi

    The most violent country in Europe

    Sad too see Finland on the list, but not really a surprise...
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