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  1. Vanezi

    Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

    Doesn't seem like the military group behind the Coup is that small if they have stuff from M60's to Leo 2's.
  2. Vanezi

    Putin = Thief ?

    So if Putin is good for Russia, what is up with the hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the war in Ukraine for example?
  3. Vanezi

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Then for example, why did US use mock-up Soviet/Russian tanks in their excercises?
  4. Vanezi

    what is the best t-72 variants

  5. Vanezi

    Finnish defence forces reveal upgraded BMP-2M

    If im not completely mistaken, many of the BMP's and other vehicles have been destroyed in artillery barrages and semi-caused by the lack of experience in the crew? As i recall seeing several photos of vehicles destroyed right in the open, fields, roads and sometimes dug in the ground. But...
  6. Vanezi

    Finnish defence forces reveal upgraded BMP-2M

    First photos of the upgraded BMP-2MD. (Low quality, not my fault as they are directly from a news site) The upgrade features some sort of camo netting, thermal sights, anti-air sight, optic observation device and all the communications equipment are renewed. (Sorry for the rough translations...
  7. Vanezi


    No offence taken :-) there are a lot of people here too that think of the sport as "grown men playing with toys", we usually just shrug it off and laugh. But that certainly is a nice looking setup, many people here also like to go for a realistic look, i just use what i think is comfortable and...
  8. Vanezi

    Finland to upgrade BMP-2 IFV

    Finnish Defence Forces announced this past week that they will upgrade the existing 110 BMP-2 Vehicles, it will have new night vision equipment, thermal camouflage and possibly other improvements that havent been announced, in testing and excercises CV9030 crews said that the BMP¨s always...
  9. Vanezi


    Hello, havent been on the site for a long time, but now decided to start posting again. I hope there are no earlier threads about the subject. (Also didn't know if this is the right section for it) So, i have been wondering, do any of you guys play airsoft, or is it even legal where you live...
  10. Vanezi

    Patria to unveil new vehicle concept at DSEI 2013

    No, at least not in any finnish sources, but they said that it can be armed with a 120mm cannon, but i guess the standard version has the NSV or M2 machinegun.
  11. Vanezi

    Patria to unveil new vehicle concept at DSEI 2013

    Somethings wrong with my internet, havent been able to log in for a while, and cant see any notifications... But enough with that, i seriously laughed at the "camo" on the vehicle, looked like some green flame/lighting pattern at first :D Overall the vehicle looks very neat, could be a good...
  12. Vanezi

    Patria to unveil new vehicle concept at DSEI 2013

    Patria Oyj is going to present a new vehicle concept at the DSEI in london on the 10th of september, no details on the type of vehicle it will be. Patria will also show ELINT and data link systems.
  13. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Lippupäivän paraati 2013, Flag day parade, it was held today at 1pm. Not as big as the independence day parades.
  14. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Army will upgrade Russian build BMP-2 IFVs. The Finnish army is going to decide after testing which company will upgrade the BMPs, they will be upgraded with new driver & gunner night vision equipment and "stealth" camouflage (Im guessing its anti-thermal imaging camo-net). After the upgrades...
  15. Vanezi

    Finnish defence forces are buying machine guns from Russia.

    The defence forces are buying PKM machineguns and spare parts for them from Russia, the deal is worth at around 3,1 Million euros. The PKM has been in service for a long time in Finland, and the deal is going to keep the current PKMs in service until 2020 and the newer ones for even longer...
  16. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Video of the new FDF Combat tactics:
  17. Vanezi

    Finnish Defence Forces

    Yes, the NASAMS will be operational by 2015 or 2016, and the Buk will stay in storage until 2016. It is at least logistically a good deal, as we already use AMRAAM missiles on the F-18s. :) Yes, "Hävittäjjälentolaivue 21" or Fighter jet fleet 21 operates from Pirkkala since 1986. :P
  18. Vanezi

    Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

    In US related wars, it often has been the case, Iraq, A-stan, and the beginning of NATO after WW2, US military presence was enormous in Europe.
  19. Vanezi

    Iranians can ‘wipe out’ Israel if attacked: Ahmadinejad

    Iran has a lot of Russian/soviet, chinese and domestic equipment, radars etc. that are unfamiliar to the US military, also Iran has a lot of men compared to Iraq, and more loyal soldiers, so there would not be tens of thousands of soldiers surrendering immediately like in Iraq, and the war would...
  20. Vanezi

    Iran Israel War Drums: News & Discussions.

    195 F-22s have been built, i doubt that US would give or even sell them to anyone, and Syrian bombings were probably easier to achieve than bombing Iran, as Syrian air-defences and radars are not as capable or actively used than the Iranian ones. And Syrian army is a bit outdated on some levels...
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