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  1. D

    Movement for Hazara province

    yar beleive it, not only we hazarawals hate anp but also some people from sawabi topi and majority from lucky marwat swat etc..... they all r against anp .... and as far as dera ismael khan is concerned it will be emerged with saraiki sooba if in case it split from punjab .... other else they...
  2. D

    Movement for Hazara province

    ------------------------- according to survery the 72% of hazara population is educated... who u calling illetrate ... and peshawar population is 42% .... go and check analysis ... even peshawar contain more hindko speaking people than pushtoo .... and being minority doesnt mean u dont have...
  3. D

    Movement for Hazara province

    salaam all brothers and sisters.... first of all i wanna say that protesting for our own identity is our right .... and this province donot only contain pushtoo speaking people ...but also hindko speaking people .... but there will be more problems produced if hazara split as a province ...
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