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  1. T

    Which space launch systems are better? India or China

    I disagree! We should not hurt their fragile pride again..
  2. T

    Which space launch systems are better? India or China

    Indian ego is greater than any nation in this world, yet lacking a consistent and dedicate effort in achieving any of their pre-designed target, sub par products as usual. Arjun, Tejas Do we really have to name it....
  3. T

    India, China to Resume Army Exercises From 2013

    dude, your reading and understanding skills are far below the norm. Have you been educated in a proper primary school?
  4. T

    Type 052D DDG revealed

    indian troll again, learn how to build DDG first, 8 years in the water without engines and weapon system OMG its a truly laughing stock of the world
  5. T

    Chin Navalized DH-10 LACM

    The Chinese Version of RAM has been deployed on the Chinese AC and those latest 056 frigates.
  6. T

    China's Shipborne Early Warning Aircraft

    lol, it has been removed from all forums......
  7. T

    India fishermen deny US ship warned them before shooting

    RIP the dead, and celebrate the sharp shoot
  8. T

    Sri Lanka gets US$2.5bn dollars in China financing

    thats so true, lets wait and see
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