Read Daily Sabah (pro-gov) and Hurriyet Daily News (critic of gov) for a balanced view. Especially read the columnists, my favorite ones from Hurriyet are Murat Yetkin/ Semih Idiz and Abdulkadir Selvi. From Daily Sabah I follow Ibrahim Kalin as he is the Gov spox.
To hell with NYT, they speak as if they have influence...they can shove their recommendations where the sun doesn't shine. Here is an article that Id take seriously:
If need be we can find more rebels, I'm guessing an understanding will be reached with Assad on Turkmen mountains (if it hasn't already), allowing additional manpower to be transferred to the new theater as needed. Also if push comes to shove, our lions in the spec ops and commandos backed by...
I have a feeling something big is happening in N. Syria...slowed down social media, news channels all calm and chilled. Tomorrow will be a big surprise for everyone I think
Ditib won't hijack your euro fighters to bomb the Bundestag and wouldn't send the KSK after mama merkels head (Gulenists did this an much more in Turkey on the 15th of July). They are a pro-Turkish lobby group which is normal as millions of ethnic Turks live there and lobbying isn't illegal. Now...