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  1. W

    Toothless sanctions? Iranian oil trade booming, China top buyer

    I seriously don't want to talk to you or reply to your comment , you are quite racist and don't have any constructive comment to makes so there is no point in arguing with you . I also saw your comment on against Indians ...
  2. W

    Toothless sanctions? Iranian oil trade booming, China top buyer

    to bad for you , i will behave the way i what .. you are not worth my time
  3. W

    Toothless sanctions? Iranian oil trade booming, China top buyer

    You need to chill .. no comment on your crap talk
  4. W

    Toothless sanctions? Iranian oil trade booming, China top buyer

    Yawn .. There is nothing spectacular about this report , it a know fact, US sanction on Iran has provided exemption to India , China , Japan and half a dozen other country , Iran used to sell 2.4 million barrels a day this has fallen by half so you can guess its impact on its oils driven...
  5. W

    US to help India counter Pakistan terror: Clinton

    Wait a minute ... Indian media ----:rofl: :rofl: Direct from horses mouth MS. SALES: That’s where we’ll leave London, and we will pick up instead in New Delhi, to NDTV, which is one of India’s top broadcasters, and presenter Barkha Dutt, India’s top female...
  6. W

    Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

    it doesn't work that way .. Spain was bygone superpower ( its was 1st super power in modern history) also the pinroys wanted the land to themselves and perhaps the Spanish had enough! , so they sold it as war reparation.
  7. W

    Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

    So you mean Philipine should be returned to Spain...how long have they rule this land?? Spain gave up power over Philippines and sold it to US for 20 million , when they lost Spanish- America war in 1898 it became self governed in the 1930's, then US fought for Philippines Independence from...
  8. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    :) don't go with that analogy! if you presume so , then Tibet is independent country and China has no claim over South china sea islands.
  9. W

    Q&A: Why Philippines challenged China’s sea claim

    Comparing Falkland to South china sea island issue - is like comparing apples to oranges , yes both are fruits. However , there are lots differences Falkland has been a British colony from 1833 its a self governed colony with its own government ; yes it has a population of 3000 , unlike...
  10. W

    Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

    There no point in being so sensitive and talking about the color of the skin as per the topic , someone posted a article showing china in positive light ( perhaps affiliated to Chinese media) and other article counter that. you statement is unwarranted and racial for no reason . Articles...
  11. W

    Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

    before you jump up and down like yo-yo and start swearing, know the facts !! I cleared mentioned why china was criticized , the western govt didn't criticize china on the "African whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots" or having to work for 2 yrs before you get safety gear as...
  12. W

    Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

    China is doing great in Africa as mentioned two ways trade is more than 200 billion but china has been criticized for turning blind eye to issues in Africa ( like Zimbabwe regime and use of veto during Darfur massacre- this is pivot as west stunned by this ) while exploiting it of natural...
  13. W

    Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

    Children jeer and their parents whisper about street dogs disappearing into cooking pots. --> OMG :rofl: :rofl: :hitwall:
  14. W

    China Is Set To Make A Killing On The Afghan War

    :china: + :pakistan: = can manage Afghanistan
  15. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    White man don't anything for free . they spend money on china to make money for themselves also , hence my statement , both of them are in it for the money..
  16. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    Ok , I was pointing out general perception of West towards china, and prove to you China is not an overnight wonder and west has help it along the way , I made this remark due to statement of WTO ( western creation ). WTO existed before China was in it and it will exist even if china...
  17. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    Ya , its your pipe dream , Without the West-US there is isn't a market on this planet to absorb what china makes. Guess most Chinese fail to understand , without US and west , you would have been just a communist country waiting to implode this is because communist feared market reforms as...
  18. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    wanglaokan, i didn't mean to offend you , took a stab at the article ( which says that west is trying to contain china) merely pointing out the facts. no country will do any of what is mentioned .. like i said everyone will end up looser..
  19. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    This article is whole load of BS! here is why , for yrs into the future , China is depended on the world , much more than others on it , perhaps except the resource country like Australia , Russia , middle east(oil) , Brazil and Canada whose GDP will take a beating if china stops buying If...
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