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  1. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    The final war took even less than 3 years. The reason was SL was never really into a military solution. The gov foolishly believed in peace talks which cost us badly. SL was at the verge of defeating LTTE in 1987 when india intervined. SL was hardly helped by other countries except Pak...
  2. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    it is funny coming from an indian. Actually it is the india that has destabilized its neiughbours and created a turbulant region in SA. Dint even let the far smaller nation Maldives to its own. But still you guys cry victim. Wont it be better to have good diplomatic relations without trying to...
  3. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    there is no proven war crime. propaganda is not facts. But LTTE is a war criminal. sri lanka has never ever back stabbed india, it was the other way around. For ur information both india n SL govs has gone a long way when it comes to defence coorperations. SL even went further and built a...
  4. L

    Sri Lanka demands War Crimes against India’s IPKF

    hi a lankan here and found this site accidently and amazed by all the dicussions here. To begin with i should say SL will never intend to go to war crimes tribunal against india. We lankans do not want to start confrontations with anybody but we value our autonomy very highly sometimes even to...
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