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  1. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    تحلیل های بعضی از کاربران در مورد این تحریم جدید آمریکا در سایت فارس نیوز http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=13940928001690 ....صنعت گردشگری ما رو کلا از بیخ و بن تحریم کرد رفت پی کارش بعد میگه این تحریم نیست به نظرتون یه فرانسوی بین سفر به ایران و آمریکا کدوم رو انتخاب میکنه؟ایتالیایی...
  2. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    با امضای اوباما، محدودیت‌های ضد ایرانی ویزای آمریکا به قانون تبدیل شد - سایت خبری تحلیلی تابناك|اخبار ایران و جهان|TABNAK حسن فاجعه ای بود که مردم خودشون برای این کشور رقم زدنش ...
  3. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    I hope God show me right path and I wish same for you ...
  4. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    both of us seek same thing " True and Pure Islam " , but we have different views about what is right and what is wrong .... and that is sad part of our conflicts ...
  5. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    no , it was you ... but I add second part of my post in some minute later ... sorry for that ... in fact we are closing to Parliament election in Iran and in this times , we don't do this kind of things , especially with Hassan Rouhani and his " reduce tension / be friend with everyone "...
  6. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    thanks for you opinion ... but it was you ISIS brothers not us ... and if this news is true then my first guess is " it was just a false flag - a cooperation with ISIS - to justify Turkey presence in north of Iraq "
  7. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    I didn't claim it was Iran , in fact I really don't trust this news till it get confirm by multiple sources ... it was our Turks brothers ... I hope Allah give grant his best to all Muslims and all who see as worthy humans .... which option !?
  8. J

    US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

    Side note : It was long article , go to source webpage to read full text ...
  9. J

    US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

    After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. A few people at that time attempted to promote a balanced perspective by pointing out that the United States had also been responsible...
  10. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    I don't understand what are you saying but there is some possibilities : 1- the news is false 2- the news is true so you are saying that is either false news or if it is true then it was "Iran or Russia" doing no ISIS .... right !?
  11. J

    Daesh Attacks Turkish Base in Iraq, 4 Soldiers wounded

    Well , tomorrow we will find out the truth about this news ... but for now , this is link ... Turkish troops injured after ISIS fires rockets at base in northern Iraq — RT News
  12. J

    Iran’s railway revolution

    well , He just want to live and be president , the circumstances are not important for Mr Hassan ....
  13. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    احتمالا توی این مورد هم ظریف و حسن می روند و « تنش زدایی » می کنند ...
  14. J

    Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

    my friend , Tab = تب mean " fever " ---> is a Persian word , but if you can't accept this simple fact , then I can't help you .... after all " there is no cure for stupidity "
  15. J

    Iraq orders Turkey to 'immediately' withdraw troops sent across border

    Tab = fever = Persian word Riz = calm down / reduce = Persian word Persian word + Persian word = Turkish !?
  16. J

    Iranian Chill Thread

    هر چقدر می گفتیم « بمب از نون شب برای ما واجب تره » یک مشت آدم احمق ژست حقوق بشر و دوست دار محیط زیست می گرفتند ... این دنیاست ... هزار نفر رو فقط به خاطر اینکه شیعه اند توی روز روشن قتل عام می کنند و کسی هم ککش نمی گزه ... حالا با این ائتلاف می خوایم چه کار کنیم ... دلمون رو به برجام و...
  17. J

    Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

    Well , there was a talk about " USA plane to make Sunistan instead of ISIS in Iraq and Syria " ... look like they put their plane in motion ...
  18. J

    Erdogan talks of positive impact of improved Turkey-Israel ties

    at least in Iran no one amazed by this news ...
  19. J

    Beheading the Blacksmith of Balkh: Iranian Americans scapegoated again

    A radicalised, American-born Pakistani went to Saudi Arabia and married another Pakistani brainwashed with an extremist version of Wahhabism that is the Saudi state religion. The couple came to the US and shot up a Christmas office party killing 14 people. Guess who is being chosen for...
  20. J

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Al Golani simply said a truth ... no matter how many times you and your westerns bosses say " There is FSA and we help moderate rebel " in fact there is no FSA and there is no moderate rebels except AlNusrah / Ahrar Al Sham / ISIS .....
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