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  1. C

    fc-1 question

    Sallam, So the max speed is 1.8 mach now, Masha-Allah, this is excellent news. Thanxs
  2. C

    Pakistan's future force

    Sallam, Just a question, I keep hearing that Pakistan has inadequate number of artilery, what do you think would be adequate to counter any threat (India anmely)?? Ps, I think Pakistan really needs to invest in its navy to be able to protect its vital sea lanes in any future conflict...
  3. C

    Pakistan's future force

    Sallam, I think Pakistan has got great potential, and I pray one day it will lead the muslim world (with the help of other brotherly nations) Insha-Allah!! Pakistan military is one of the strongest in the muslim world and becoming stronger, I beleive within the next decade Pak will be...
  4. C

    U.S. senators ask Pakistan to seal border with Afghanistan

    Sallam, Its easy to blame Pakistan, I got an idea, if Pakistan is not up for the job why dont the coalition forces seal the border??? Its quite simple, if you want a job doing do it yourself...
  5. C

    fc-1 question

    Sallam Whats the actual max speed of the JF 17 Thunder? I have read in some places that it is 1.8 mach but in other sources it says 1.6 mach.. Could you please clarify. Thanks in Advance.
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