Maintaining the existing relationships are best relationship.No contact, no confrontation.I think this is very good.Japan can continue to visit the Yasukuni,China continued to condemn.I think now is the best period of bilateral relations.Abe lifted the ban,Japanese do not bring peace mask.Very good.
Yeah, how do you know so much about China ?ah,Which of these content from your novels?How to sign your name?
not just the material aspects?Is Buddha?Do not eat ?Why do not you teach me how not to eat like how alive.
You do not get to know the situation,Equality before the law.China is no caste.No superior racial discrimination.
Tibetans are national treatment.There's even privileged.Indian will not understand our jealous.
Etc. These kids make trouble End,Their parents are unemployed.Together begging for a living.I think they do not want to go to school.Maybe they want to Rangers?