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  1. M

    Iran knocks at China’s door after nuclear agreement

    JF-17 isn't comparable to modern 4++ gen jets, Iran need J-10B with AESA to counter F-16 Block 60 ,Eurofighter and others...
  2. M

    Photos: Happy Iranians after the Nuclear agreement

    as far as I can Understand: Iran gets: Sanctions lifted on Oil and Banking system. Sanctions lifted on non-military (and maybe space) sector. Iran losses: almost every centrifuge will be removed except old 70s technology IR-1 IAEA will be able to monitor EVERYTHING. same of Iran's nuclear...
  3. M

    Photos: Happy Iranians after the Nuclear agreement

    Have you read the deal ? Several points in Deal published by WSJ Iran has agreed to reduce by approximately two-thirds its installed centrifuges. Iran will go from having about 19,000 installed today to 6,104 installed under the deal, with only 5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    It's not enough... Carpet bombing is needed in Shit hole called Idlib. Go SyAF Raze Islamists to ground P.S Stupidity in this forum reached new level, some of Idiots really manage not to see that Nusra is ruling Idlib
  5. M

    Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

    So If Syria asks for Iranian military help and Iran sends army and bombs Islamists to hell it will be ok? nice,thank you :yahoo:
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Thanks for correction Go and do some research about "some bearded guy". P.S I don't give a damn about what are sure and don't care about your funny demagogy, find another target p.p.s Would be great if you put your MP.net profile pic with Turkish and Israeli flags here too :lol:
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Military leader of Moderate Terrorists (Ahrar al Sham) Killed by SAA in Idlib He was 2nd In Command of Moderate Terrorist Network. Good riddance #TBT Leader of Liwaa Al-Tawheed Abdel-Qader Saleh is sent to hell via the Syrian Air Force Express. Leith Abou Fadel (@LeithAbouFadel) March...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Thank you brother :-)
  9. M

    Iranian Chill Thread

    What is Email of Iranian post ? :what::(
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Nah,not smerch.... They need TOS-1 Buratino it would be so funny to see MB supporters change motto from " Civilians are barrel bombed" to "civilians are roasted alive" :lol::lol:
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    What should I address what you are talking about? your propaganda pieces about how many people were tortured or your funny posts like "they are whores, working for frightened hezbollah" ? :lol: I am sorry but you should either find someone else who takes your cheap propaganda seriously or learn...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Keyboard warrior why aren't you going to Turkey, visiting their recruitment centers and going to war ? :lol::lol: Frightened Hezbollah :lol: I can promise you,these girls,NDF,Hezbollah,SAA and (other frightened (they are frightened of you Dr.Thrax,you are destroying them through keyboard :lol:)...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    lol he keeps posting same bullshit again and again,he opened topic for mass torture but no one gave shit except several his arab friends now he started posting pics here :lol::lol: he is working hard,though :D
  14. M

    Analysis: Iranian cruise missile unveiling raises questions about range

    The conclusion of the article is that Soumar missile can't be using turbofan engine based on belief that iran isn't capable of producing such engines. Even if iran can't produce, there are a lot of ways to get engines, though China,Russia or Ukraine, so unless we have more information about...
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    Analysis: Iranian cruise missile unveiling raises questions about range

    It's new cold war now, post cold war era is over, so thing are no longer same they were years ago, I can't be sure about Russia,they are now doing everything possible to weaken west. Ukraine is also possible,it's one of the most corrupt state (even before Maydan/War it was very corrupt, imagine...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    New map Ignore Islamist idiots, they don't believe anything until grand mufti says it :lol::lol:
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    Analysis: Iranian cruise missile unveiling raises questions about range

    This article is based on nothing but belief that Iran can't manufacture Turbofan engine. Even if Iran can't do it,there are a lot of ways to obtain it from another countries.
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