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  1. Wood

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Seems like one side of the bridge is still standing no?
  2. Wood

    Latest audio leak allegedly exposes Imran Khan’s narrative on horse trading

    I did not know this. Then I wonder why overseas Pakistanis on this forum complain about voting? Is it because you have to be in Pakistan for casting a vote?
  3. Wood

    Latest audio leak allegedly exposes Imran Khan’s narrative on horse trading

    I've not expressed support for any party in the post that you've quoted. It was a mere observation that Imran could well be on to the back foot after recent leaks. Media's role in this expose has the potential to resurrect PDM's fortune. Most PTI supporters here are overseas Pakistanis; their...
  4. Wood

    Latest audio leak allegedly exposes Imran Khan’s narrative on horse trading

    This latest audio leak seems to expose Imran Khan poorly. How does the local news media in Pakistan treat this expose? Depending on how well the news media manages to take this new development to the public, PDM's fortunes may change. :coffee:
  5. Wood

    Moody’s cuts Pakistan’s rating to Caa1 citing increased govt liquidity and external vulnerability risks

    FATF grey list will stifle investment into the country. I just googled to find this : https://www.reuters.com/article/fatf-pakistan-moodys-idUSL3N2AR1TM
  6. Wood

    Moody’s cuts Pakistan’s rating to Caa1 citing increased govt liquidity and external vulnerability risks

    I wonder if FATF has influence on the methodology used by these credit rating agencies to issue ratings. With Pakistan's elevation from Grey list (pending soon), this may improve the country's rating :cheers:
  7. Wood

    Chinese mobile-maker Xiaomi may move its operations from India to Pakistan after Indian govt freezes its assets worth $676M

    This twitter account is operated from Rawalpindi (based on some discussion in this forum). It inherits the illustrious legacy of Rupee News, alongside the new times of Islamabad publication. It is also known to shill for PTI :agree:
  8. Wood

    Chinese mobile-maker Xiaomi may move its operations from India to Pakistan after Indian govt freezes its assets worth $676M

    I don't care for Xiaomi's fate one way or the other to be honest. Before the end of this decade, I hope some reliable Indian brands can make a dent into India's domestic market. There is a better chance for that if Chinese brands decide to leave in a few years :coffee:
  9. Wood

    Army chief to receive honour cordon at Pentagon today

    Great show of respect for Pakistan and General Bajwa from his counterpart in US :cheers:
  10. Wood

    "Meet Me and Reverse This. Or Else I Will Give You a Befitting Response": Ishaq Dar Showing Bharambazi to Moody's

    I don't know that he is a genius. Only time can be a judge of that :coffee:
  11. Wood

    Chinese mobile-maker Xiaomi may move its operations from India to Pakistan after Indian govt freezes its assets worth $676M

    Great news for Pakistan and India. Rarely do we find such a win win proposition :cheers:
  12. Wood

    "Meet Me and Reverse This. Or Else I Will Give You a Befitting Response": Ishaq Dar Showing Bharambazi to Moody's

    Rating agencies arrive at their risk analysis report through an analytical process with supposedly transparent methodology (that I don't claim to be aware of). In some cases (like in sub prime loan crisis), corruption and conflict of interest within the agency can result in totally bogus rating...
  13. Wood

    Daronomics - Dar's attack on exports has begun

    You flatter me with too much credit for raising some common sense questions. PTI supporters here are so desperate to attack the current government that they often indulge in unjust propaganda. :-) I'm not an expert on finance and I do not know more about Pakistani economy than what is posted by...
  14. Wood

    Moody’s cuts Pakistan’s rating to Caa1 citing increased govt liquidity and external vulnerability risks

    The recent floods have played a major role in this rating slide. Additionally the global recession has not helped either. But with international help (close to $6 billion in pipeline) and a fully committed political leadership, Pak can bounce back into investment grade in due time :cheers:
  15. Wood

    Nawaz Sharif taught in Canadian University, video goes viral (Mubarak Ho Pakistan)

    I initially misread the title and thought that Mr. Shariff was moonlighting as a professor in some Canadian University. :laugh:
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